I was waiting on line to have my bag inspected at Hilary’s Free for All concert at Town Hall yesterday, and an older gentleman in a suit walked up to me.
Him: Excuse me, is this your first Free for All concert?
Me: Yes it is.
Him: Can I ask how you heard about it?
Me: Erm…I’m Hilary’s publicist.
Him: Oh [laughing and looking away]. See, I’m the Chairman of Free for All, and we’ve been trying to get more young people out to our concerts. So I thought, well there’s an elegant, nicely-dressed young lady; that’s exactly the kind of concert-goer we want. I’ll ask her.
I figure he approached either the exact wrong or the exact right person.
Karen Ames says
Well, you’re certainly young and I bet you were well dressed. I think it’s great that the board leadership was in attendance, involved with getting to know the audience, and seemingly personally interested in promoting the organization. Funny that he picked you – but you did “fit his bill” so to speak.
Richard Edward Horner says
I added your blog to my feed reader a couple weeks ago either because it was linked off some Berklee thing or because Steven Swartz linked it. I can’t recall. I thought the name was clever and there might be some good info. My feed reader always has way more items than I have time to read so I probably read only about 10% of what comes across it (if that) so I didn’t actually know who you were or what you did because I haven’t been paying that close of attention.
Well, I do now as this prompted me to actually examine your site because I was the guy standing in line behind you who commented when that happened.