One topic of conversation at the Turkey Day table yesterday afternoon was how early everyone was getting to the Short Hills Mall, Kohl’s and Best Buy today, destination preferences delineated by expected gender and age stereotypes.
That in mind, my first order of business this morning was to do some serious Google work on Black Friday classical music sales ((nerd)). Do any orchestras have discounted tickets tonight? Does ArkivMusic have a Black Friday CD sale like Amazon does? Are there any afternoon chamber music concerts advertised as “Take a break from Black Friday shopping?” What about a concert at 8 am somewhere, if shoppers are in lines at 4 am? “Gloat about your purchases and calm yourself at a concert.”
I couldn’t find any such things. It seems like a missed opportunity: any time an entire country has one thing on the collective brain (SALES!!!), arts organizations should find ways to tap into it.
If you need me for the rest of the day, I’ll be elbow-throwing/hip-checking at The Apple Store.