While looking for contact information on their website, I stumbled upon the Orange County Performing Arts Center’s “Interactive Seat Buddy“. Heeey, buddy! You select the theater, the level and the seat, and your new computer pal shows you the general view from that location. This is perfect for first-time ticket buyers who can’t picture where their seats are going to be or what the stage is going to look like, and might not buy because of it; one small step toward making the classical-concert-going experience less daunting.
Orange County: 1
Detroit: 0
Eric says
I’ve seen the Orange County performing art centers seating maps, and I think that while they are better than nothing that overall the interface is not at all intuitive or easy to navigate. Check out Disney on Broadway’s seating maps. I think that they are the best interactive seating maps in the world!
Yeah, they’re cool, I just wish the feature was called the “Interactive Seat Sebastian” or something. -AA