Heathcote Williams’s memory piece about Harold Printer is intimate, probing, and dramatic. Candid yet loving, not out of mere affection but from deep understanding and acceptance, it is an honest portrait — not in the least hagiographic. Previously posted: Pinter’s ‘Art, Truth & Politics’
Search Results for: cold turkey press
Two New Poster Cards from Cold Turkey Press
Just in: ‘An Iron Fish Rusts’ and ‘The Condition’
A New Poster from Cold Turkey Press
The first flash mob in Europe Met in Rome on 24 June 2003. 300 people entered ‘Messaggerie Musicali’, A large book and music store, To ask its staff either for non-existent books, Or for the most obscure books By untraceable authors. One flash mobber asked for a copy of the New Testament Translated from Coptic […]
More Dissident Literature from Cold Turkey Press
The title of Heathcote Williams’s poem puts it country simple. You can’t get more direct than “The United States of Porn.” The poem, which runs to 208 lines, nearly all based on facts, is part of a portfolio called American Porn. It was published in 2011 in a beautifully produced first edition of 36 copies […]
Goodbye to a Depressing Year
The image is a detail from a drawing by Paul Klee. The poem owes a debt to George Grosz and Gerard Bellaart.
Another Cold Turkey Card
Drawing by Gerard Bellaart Past hopes rise like a ghost. Immutable. Indifferent. Are there no triumphs? Will dreams perform miracles? Strindberg said, “I dream, therefore I exist.” Stalked by a crazy sage dressed in weeds, I scribbled. The unguarded self is burdened with weariness like a dog shitting on the sidewalk. — Jan Herman (Indebted […]
Going Cold Turkey (in Cyberspace)
The computer screen has become a substitute for reality, dominating us not just by way of social media but — old news — by making artifacts like books on paper seem obsolete. I plead seriously guilty, witness this blogpost with its images and descriptions. A package that came in the mail with several new items […]
Posting a Cold Turkey Card While Paris Burns
By way of explanation, I was occupied searching for word pattern. Found a rangy young man whose authority was roughly 50 words retyped in columns from the beginning more habit-forming than his life. He hunkered across the columns and typed them again. Undsoweiter … And now for R. Crumb’s pièce de résistance:
Cold Turkey’s Sonnets Maudits — No Drum Roll, Please
Not Petrarchan, Spenserian, or Shakespearean. And not in Ted’s style either. Previously . . . And another: “Dream Room.”
Hans Walgenbach Has Art Yen for Cold Turkey
Cold Turkey Press is een legendarische Rotterdamse underground uitgeverij die van 1970 tot 1976 actief was. Gerard Bellaart, beeldende kunstenaar en initiatiefnemer, hervatte het fonds in 2006 met publicaties van oa Ira Cohen, William S. Burroughs, Heathcote Williams, Samuel Beckett, Sinclair Beiles, Jean Arp, Antonin Artaud, Kurt Schwitters, Ed Sanders, Ezra Pound en Gerard Bellaart […]
New From Cold Turkey: ‘Pricelessly Outrageous’
When Carl Weissner died, unexpectedly, he was only 71. “Le Regard d’Autrui,” now published for the first time, posthumously, by Cold Turkey Press, was written in English. Why in English and why with a French title are unclear. What is clear, however, is that the tale shows him to have been a master storyteller as […]
Planned Obsolescence Press to Big Data: Fuck Off
In an unsigned Publisher’s Note to Whale Drek: The Lost Footnotes of the Olympia Press Naked Lunch, Jed Birmingham writes: “Planned Obsolescence Press specializes in distributing small shiploads of K.Y. made of genuine whale drek. What better to grease the lines of communication? The Press recycles that which no one has found any use for. […]
The Idiot’s Voice: More Dissidence from Cold Turkey
Leonard Cohen, who is not given to easy praise, has called Sinclair Beiles “one of the great poets of the century.” Meaning the 20th century — they met back in the early 1960s on the Greek island of Hydra. Was Cohen being uncharacteristically hyperbolic? Well, William S. Burroughs, also not given to easy praise, once […]
My Books
Several books of poems are published by Moloko Print and Stadtlichter Presse in bilingual (American-German) editions, and by Cold Turkey Press in handmade chapbooks. “The Z Collection” appeared in three editions, by AC Books, Blue Wind Press, and Moloko Print.”
I’m With Amélie Cardy and Cézanne on This
Cold Turkey Press is publishing an illustrated, four-page folio of “Frankly Speaking” with a drawing by the young British artist Amélie Cardy in an edition limited to 36 copies. And a poster of the poem with a drawing by Cézanne is seeking a publisher.
‘The trick is to get out of your own dead body …’
Cold Turkey Press continues to publish handmade posters printed in editions limited to 36 copies, specializing in avant-garde poets and artists of the past as well as the present. Here is one of the latest, LUDION’S LAMENT.
‘The trick is to get out of your own dead body in one piece. One quick hard twist and you’re out. Next, you turn black all over and taper at the extremities.’ — Roger Gilbert-Lecomte
On Yom Kippur My Atonement Is Weak
Cold Turkey Press published this card four years ago in a limited edition. It applies now more than ever.