When Gary Lee-Nova read a recent blogpost about a new posthumous collection of Mary Beach’s writings, Electric Bananas, it drew him to Marshall McLuhan’s notated copy of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake. Gary was kind enough to send along a couple of sample pages of those notations, as well as McLuhan’s comment about “stupidity” and “indifference.” […]
Among the Laptoppers
MORTAL COIL for Heathcote The coffee house loop that never ends sounds heavenly among the laptoppers. Failure is not an option. The fanfare of the horns and the swell of the hi-hat roll on like spooky dreams. Fingers dance — they fly like bats in a cave. The gods if there are any shall protect […]
The Lust to Consume
“The people who run Tesco’s must be Buddhists. You go in there … and there is nothing you could possibly want.”–Heathcote Williams Tesco PLC is a global retailer based in the U.K. It owns and operates supermarkets throughout Europe and in recent years has expanded to Turkey, China, Thailand, and the U.S. the Middle East, […]
A Book That Brings Her Back Alive
Mary Beach’s Electric Bananas, a brilliant posthumous collection put together by her daughter Pam Plymell, uncovers a writer who has the kind of filthy wit that belongs in James Joyce’s league. Beach is more dangerous, however, because she is more accessible. She has mastered a style along the lines of Finnegan’s Wake, but simplified it. […]
Ending the Year With a Cosmic Joke
WELCOME TO 2018 The image is from Victor Hugo, 1854. EmailFacebookTwitterReddit
Goodbye to a Depressing Year
The image is a detail from a drawing by Paul Klee. The poem owes a debt to George Grosz and Gerard Bellaart. EmailFacebookTwitterReddit
Quad Cinema Hosts Wyler Festival
WNYC’s Sara Fishko has produced a terrific audio piece about William Wyler and two of his best films — “Dodsworth” and “The Best Years of Our Lives” — both of which are playing among the 25 being screened at the Quad through Dec. 11. Listen: Click for the schedule. “Jan Herman’s biography of William Wyler […]
Amazon Cashes in on AIDS
A Magazine for Word and Image
Andreas Hansen 3 Sabine Vogel 84 Tone Avenstroup 6 Caroline Hartge 86 Joshua Groß 7 Christian Geissler 88 Katja Horn 10 Sabine Peters 90 Wolf Ways 11 Bert Panenfuß 91 Kai Pohl 12 Stefan Döring 94 Kristin Schulz 15 Karl Krüll 95 Alexander Krohn 16 Monika Rinck […]
2017: Thanksgiving in Trumpistan
A Straight Up greeting to mark the moment. From William Burroughs, and Norman O. Mustill, and Heathcote Williams, and our staff of thousands … thanks for a Continent to despoil and poison . . . thanks for the AMERICAN DREAM to vulgarize and to falsify until the bare lies shine through . . . thanks […]
As the World Turns
Separated by 500 years and $450 million. EmailFacebookTwitterReddit
‘Give Peace a Chance’
here’s my attempt at images for oil transfer. wrote it on the full page ad in NYT, as you can see. Yoko Ono takes out the ad each year on the anniversary of John Lennon’s birthday. first wrote it with the carbon paper layered underneath the paper i wrote on. didn’t work. so i then […]
Had the Algorithm Been Misplaced?
Drawing by Gerard Bellaart The corpse blinked. Dead but alive dreaming awake. Had the algorithm been misplaced? Was it “life-in-death” within the winding sheet or “death-in-life”? Signaling the dreamer, the corpse winked but could not speak — or would not. I woke and no sleep came. EmailFacebookTwitterReddit
‘Just Like Real Life’
William Cody Maher & Signe Mähler “two people who have been living together for a long time have learned how to live together with the objects and the thoughts and the feelings that they have had for each other and when the thoughts and feelings and the rooms and the objects change and even the […]
Another Cold Turkey Card
Drawing by Gerard Bellaart Past hopes rise like a ghost. Immutable. Indifferent. Are there no triumphs? Will dreams perform miracles? Strindberg said, “I dream, therefore I exist.” Stalked by a crazy sage dressed in weeds, I scribbled. The unguarded self is burdened with weariness like a dog shitting on the sidewalk. — Jan Herman (Indebted […]
Yes, Please
‘That man is killing everybody!’
From ‘Sonnet II’ in FOURTEEN Deformed Sonnets, published by Peter Engstler Verlag [2017]: . . . The ballroom of history bumped and cried. “Look out! That man is killing everybody!” The word SHAME crawled across the screen like broken teeth in the fist of time. A wilting sun had set. The night was threadbare. “This […]