When Twitter Fingers takes the oath of office, we will have official confirmation that we are now living in the United States of Trumpistan. So add it to the list. Whoever coined the term “Trumpistan” deserves attribution in the O.E.D. The earliest reference I can find is from eight years ago — Jan. 10, 2009, […]
Bookstores in Their Anecdotage
Garrison Keillor, who owns a bookstore in St. Paul, Minnesota, called Common Good Books, writes in a foreword to FOOTNOTES* from the WORLD’S GREAT BOOKSTORES: *True Tales and Lost Moments from Book Buyers, Booksellers, and Book Lovers that “the little independent bookstore is dying out, they say. Too bad. Someday mine will, too.” The author […]
Trump’s America
Here’s to the end of a lousy year, with no apologies for our tinkered layout: EmailFacebookTwitterReddit
Horse’s Mouth Changes His Tune
Or maybe I was hearing the wrong tune when I went to listen to what the horse’s mouth had to say at the Council on Foreign Depredations. At the time, last January, I wrote “to my pleasant surprise, he was eminently sane.” At one point, speaking of Putin, he said that unlike Bush, who claimed […]
Love That Irish Brogue
Are there any video promos for a play as inviting as this one for “The Pigeon in the Taj Mahal”? An exchange of comments: To my ears, Irish is the most beautiful English, an impression reaffirmed by three long bicycle trips through the West of Ireland. How did a country with half the population of […]
‘Diversify’= Diversity Oh, Please
An ORWELLIAN Chuckle EmailFacebookTwitterReddit
2016: Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving Day
From William Burroughs, and Norman O. Mustill, and Heathcote Williams, and our staff of thousands … thanks for a Continent to despoil and poison . . . thanks for the AMERICAN DREAM to vulgarize and to falsify until the bare lies shine through . . . thanks for the last and greatest betrayal of the […]
Why I’m Waiting for Asher’s Algren
Having said in The Revenge of the Mediocre that both Bettina Drew and Mary Wisniewski fail to capture Nelson Algren’s personality in their biographies of him, I realize I didn’t mention something equally and, some would say, more important. Sure, they get his so-called skid-row lyricism, which Blake Bailey recently harped on, but that shortchanges […]
Going Cold Turkey (in Cyberspace)
The computer screen has become a substitute for reality, dominating us not just by way of social media but — old news — by making artifacts like books on paper seem obsolete. I plead seriously guilty, witness this blogpost with its images and descriptions. A package that came in the mail with several new items […]
The Revenge of the Mediocre . . .
. . . upon the great is a risk that every biographer takes. Mary Wisniewski has taken it, and it defeats her. Old friends of Nelson Algren whom he later spurned, to say nothing of his enemies, get their chance to lay into him now, 35 years after his death, in her mistitled and pedestrian […]
Racism and the ‘Bigger Force’
When I asked South African playwright Athol Fugard his opinion of race relations in the United States, he replied: Man! It’s not as easy to identify the enemy here, as it is back home, which makes the struggle vastly more complicated. At home the enemy is immediately identifiable — simply because of the institutionalization of […]
He Spread Peace, Love, and Booze
The “first scholarly comic art biography of the legendary John Chapman,” otherwise known as Johnny Appleseed, has arrived. A quick inspection reveals 112 ravishing pages that tell the true story of the man who became famous two centuries ago for “spreading the seeds of apple trees from Pennsylvania to Indiana.” To quote the publisher, Johnny […]
Tom Hayden: Gone But Not Forgotten
Looking back: Mad Magazine + Tom Hayden = SDS. And before I forget. Meanwhile, the obits are pouring in for Hayden, who died yesterday. Here are three (with great photos) from The Washington Post; from The Huffington Post; from The New York Times. And here is a video of him speaking about the need to […]
Every Once in a While …
… the Sunday Review section of The New York Times publishes a striking opinion piece. It’s a rarity because the section is consistently, even insistently dull. The piece is short, and it is clear from the way it ends on a note of biting but truth-telling sarcasm that the author, Paul Theroux, clearly does not […]
Now That Dylan Has Been ‘Nobelized’
… it’s worth recalling this post about poetry, fakery, cultural theft, and stolen identity. EmailFacebookTwitterReddit
‘Street Gangs of the Lower East Side’
It’s rare that the tireless staff of thousands agrees to post a guest review. But there are exceptions. Review by Jerome Sala The Street Gangs of the Lower East Side offers a provocative eyewitness history of gang culture in the context of the whole diverse, eccentric and sometimes revolutionary LES scene of the ’70s through […]
In Case Facebutt Is Watching
AP Photographer Nick Ut’s famous Pulitzer Prize-winning Vietnam War photo illustrating the terror of war was censored for nudity by Mark Zukerberg’s minions. Facebutt deigned to restore the image to its site, but did not apologize. It issued instead a boilerplate claim that the image could have been mistaken for kiddie porn in some countries, […]