by MALCOLM RITCHIE i saw it: the end of everything at the bottom of a teacup * as a gull passes over – glimpse of the sun’s last ray precariously secreted beneath a wing * as a brief visitor to my ear a fly droned on about some matter or other that was too brief for me to catch * her words like a mirror in her mouth: i saw myself instantly * arching parabolic trace of the rainbow’s invisible arrow released from colour into the colourblind eye of gravity
Another Scott’s poem (from A Ring of Bright Water by Gavin Maxwell):
At the ring’s centre,
Spirit, or angel troubling the pool,
Causality not in nature,
Finger’s touch that summons at a point, a moment
Stars and planets, life and light
Or gathers cloud about an apex of cold,
Transcendent touch of love summons my world into being
It’s a gift! Thanks for that.