NO MORE No more crowding those Kiosks That look like guard towers Protected by hard currency And the insect eyes peering out of them Human eyes preying off their own kind No more tram drivers drinking their coffee While you wait for hours to get home to your child No more swarming in the market Having to spit out rancid cheese in front of the woman selling it No Christ to toss those thieves out of the temple The temple has been a ruin for centuries It is a time of barbarian hordes No more running into the drug store to face empty shelves And even emptier stares From shop girls in white smocks polishing their nails No they haven't seen vitamin C for years No more going to the hairdresser Ashamed of a sore or welt that is erupting from your skin What's wrong with your insides? No more murderous clenching of the buttocks In freezing temperatures in the outhouse While you clench your jaws Trying to free your body of the shit Of one of the rottenest systems on this earth No more being spied upon by quick-change artists Posing as doctors and as comrades Taking furtive looks at your ass To see if it's worth the trouble To sign the form No more being forced to wear your mother's starched uniforms After she was left to dry out on radiation machines No drunken next-door neighbor mafia cut throats Threatening to kill one another Circling like beasts over the spoils of spit and cum Running down the torn slip of a wife whose time has come To pay back the boss No more having your daughter forced to listen to the bird's song Of redemption after the tearing out of their hair No more shivering and body curling into heat that fades Like a distant horizon as the radiator goes dead No more waiting for the miracle to happen The airlift from the civilized world to put you out of your misery In a mud hole of corruption and indifference No more sharing of communal kitchens and toilets With lives so battered and betrayed there isn't enough Hope to light a candle No more intrigues by businessmen over visas That can be purchased under the counter No more hope for us... William Cody Maher Odessa, 1992
there will always remain candle light for you to write great poem. Cody thank you.