‘Not one-man rule or rule of aristocracy or plutocracy but a small group elevated to positions of power by random pressures and subject to political and economic factors that leave little room for decisions. They are representatives of abstract forces that reach power through surrender of self.
Click the image to see the video by Burroughs & John Cale.
The iron-willed dictator is a thing of the past. There will be no more Stalins no more Hitlers. The rulers of this most insecure of all worlds are rulers by accident. Inept frightened pilots of controls of a vast machine they cannot understand, calling in experts telling them which buttons to push.’
Looking at the crop of leaders at COP in Glasgow it appears that William was spot on. The earth abides. Thanks for posting, dear Cousin. Posted a link on the Burroughs & Associates site on Facebook run by Jeffrey Ball.
unfortunately, too spot on. I don’t post at Facebutt (Plymell’s term), though I did once upon a time. and I avoid going there as much as possible.. the link is bound to increase readership. so, cousin, inspite of my distaste for zuckscheisse’s ship of fools, thnx for that link at Burroughs & Assoc.
The very reason for my sharing.. it is a compelling work and thanks for the reveal.
Cousin – 75 harried fb’ers have “liked” your post – few have commented which is what one would hope – something extra brought to conversation. A sound poet I keep an eye on is coming to New York in spring. So may be my next visit and if so I look forward to seeing you and others. I hope all is well!
well, that video is a piece of work beyond anything ive heard and seen lately. Does anybody besides me take as much ridiculous pleasure from that drunken kraut singsong at the end of the video. anyone?
A good friend in Germany tells me that song sounds to him like
“Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt“
sung here by Marlene Dietrich in a cabaret version of the song from the film DER BLAUE ENGEL: