As a former contemporary dancer I listened to your “soul” felt poem about your parents . I find myself making notes as to why I became a dancer, choreographer and teacher because through poetry, as in dance you can dive deep into your soul as I did in the poem LAMENT by the great poet Dylan Thomas -5-stages in a mans short lifespan. I set my choreography on Voytec Lowski & David Brown-principal lead dancers of The Boston Ballet. I hadn’t done a dance to a poem before! I’ve most always danced with music to accompany the dance. The poet Dylan Thomas was an alcoholic who died in The White Horse Tavern of NYC. Each word jampacked with punch and double meanings yet he read his poetry in almost a monotone! I found a narrator who read each verse with pauses in between each verse to allow the viewers to digest all the words and movement that were choreographed to go along with the words -asking too much perhaps of the winter coughing theater goers of Boston! That was some 40 years ago!
The Temp. reached 0 degrees this last Tuesday, Wednesday & now 12 degrees on Friday 2/19/2021.—Brrrrrrrr.r I’m sipping Hot Chocolate to warm my grissling a rinding body in the cold black snow to find a woman’ s soul- sole for a wife. Now I am a man , NO more , No More, but a Black Sheep with a crumpled horn Quote “The Craven Raven Dylan from the heavens as Isiah Cummings not EE Cummings might say from heaven, “me always everywhere in the light age unknown seen from behind or my ass arse bare on the summit of a muck heap but rather, ” When the ANGELS are dancin in heaved , we will be left here on earth to continue the good work.” Yipes. I’m mixing my metaphorical poets up!
I’m 73 yrs old, made a MEGER living dancin in NYC for 25 years and now using dance TECHNIQUE AS therapy to expand these donor lungs! IPF KILLED MY REGULAR GOD GIVEN LUNGS! SO IN 2010,I WAS 62 YRS’ OLD.- 11 years out with ” no” rejection -I’M STILL HERE!! Debra Jowit, I loved your “Statue of Liberty” Dance you performed when Jeff Duncan was alive AT ATL., –Bring it back for a * Biden Presidential Party” after the Covid-19 VIRRUS is over- like polio- a thing of the past defeated by science or my Uncles definition of science by Watson Davis of “Science Service” “Science is “tested” common sense”. HE DISCOVERED THE SCIENCE TALENT SEARCH SPONSERED BY WESTINGHOUSE. WHICH TOOK PLACE AT THE WASHINGTON DC HILTON EACH YEAR. lOVE YOU ARTISTIC TYPES, GYD
Gary Davis says
As a former contemporary dancer I listened to your “soul” felt poem about your parents . I find myself making notes as to why I became a dancer, choreographer and teacher because through poetry, as in dance you can dive deep into your soul as I did in the poem LAMENT by the great poet Dylan Thomas -5-stages in a mans short lifespan. I set my choreography on Voytec Lowski & David Brown-principal lead dancers of The Boston Ballet. I hadn’t done a dance to a poem before! I’ve most always danced with music to accompany the dance. The poet Dylan Thomas was an alcoholic who died in The White Horse Tavern of NYC. Each word jampacked with punch and double meanings yet he read his poetry in almost a monotone! I found a narrator who read each verse with pauses in between each verse to allow the viewers to digest all the words and movement that were choreographed to go along with the words -asking too much perhaps of the winter coughing theater goers of Boston! That was some 40 years ago!
The Temp. reached 0 degrees this last Tuesday, Wednesday & now 12 degrees on Friday 2/19/2021.—Brrrrrrrr.r I’m sipping Hot Chocolate to warm my grissling a rinding body in the cold black snow to find a woman’ s soul- sole for a wife. Now I am a man , NO more , No More, but a Black Sheep with a crumpled horn Quote “The Craven Raven Dylan from the heavens as Isiah Cummings not EE Cummings might say from heaven, “me always everywhere in the light age unknown seen from behind or my ass arse bare on the summit of a muck heap but rather, ” When the ANGELS are dancin in heaved , we will be left here on earth to continue the good work.” Yipes. I’m mixing my metaphorical poets up!
I’m 73 yrs old, made a MEGER living dancin in NYC for 25 years and now using dance TECHNIQUE AS therapy to expand these donor lungs! IPF KILLED MY REGULAR GOD GIVEN LUNGS! SO IN 2010,I WAS 62 YRS’ OLD.- 11 years out with ” no” rejection -I’M STILL HERE!! Debra Jowit, I loved your “Statue of Liberty” Dance you performed when Jeff Duncan was alive AT ATL., –Bring it back for a * Biden Presidential Party” after the Covid-19 VIRRUS is over- like polio- a thing of the past defeated by science or my Uncles definition of science by Watson Davis of “Science Service” “Science is “tested” common sense”. HE DISCOVERED THE SCIENCE TALENT SEARCH SPONSERED BY WESTINGHOUSE. WHICH TOOK PLACE AT THE WASHINGTON DC HILTON EACH YEAR. lOVE YOU ARTISTIC TYPES, GYD