That which deeply impressed me about the exhibition was the attention the Curator paid to relational issues amongst the exhibited pieces.
So many exhibitions are curated on chronologies, but this one wasn’t/isn’t.
As the artist for the works that the Curator chose to work with, spanning over forty years, I regard her achievement as a Masterpiece.
To enter the gallery, then the exhibition occupying two large rooms and a second floor mezzanine hallway, is to experience a gentle flow of aesthetic choices and judgements for placement that ‘feel’ completely natural to me.
Thank you for posting this.
That which deeply impressed me about the exhibition was the attention the Curator paid to relational issues amongst the exhibited pieces.
So many exhibitions are curated on chronologies, but this one wasn’t/isn’t.
As the artist for the works that the Curator chose to work with, spanning over forty years, I regard her achievement as a Masterpiece.
To enter the gallery, then the exhibition occupying two large rooms and a second floor mezzanine hallway, is to experience a gentle flow of aesthetic choices and judgements for placement that ‘feel’ completely natural to me.