It is a small tribute to her memory.” — William Osborne
Theresa Duncan's The History of Glamour from M.Duncan on Vimeo.
Arts, Media & Culture News with 'tude
by Jan Herman
Theresa Duncan's The History of Glamour from M.Duncan on Vimeo.
an ArtsJournal blog
Thank you for posting these videos about Theresa Duncan. She first became known for her CD-Roms for girls in the 1990s. Seeing a video version of them reminds us of how much technology has evolved, but the charm of her work, and the drawings of her companion, Jeremy Blake, remains. Her best video is “The History of Glamour” which can be watched here:
Her insights about the identity of women were unique and profound in their directness, honesty, and simplicity. I gained so many insights about the contemporary visual arts world from reading her blog, which I highly recommend to all. Her death was a deep loss for American culture, and is symbolic of the neglect of so many artists in the USA and the contributions they could be making.