Back in the mid-1960s, when Carl Weissner discovered the British mimeo zine My Own Mag, he struck up a correspondence with its presiding genius, Jeff Nuttall, and soon took My Own Mag as a model for his own mimeo, Klactoveedsedsteen. The two of them became pen pals and freewheeling collaborators — Nuttall in Norwich, Weissner in Heidelberg. Cold Turkey Press has just produced an illustrated folio of one of Weissner’s cut-prose letters. Have a look.
monday june 19 was the last day for singing years & is my birthday & an insanely beautiful is that isabel the micheline woman arrived this morning gary stuck in the jelly up to the hilt & sgt pepper smile me over & down all wet gentle slobber & down christ he was a handsome arrival dagger razor singing in the blood rising some kinda awful fluid life form in the subliminal bidets to fight the Sex Enemy yes I/m already on page 23 relevant to the identity of vera ham yahbold bad boy this gentle swing of my free testicals shimmy fat torso 3-dimensional woo-pee I & I rectums merging irresistible & immovable FUKH! thanks! shiny silver sonic pimples you feed me in nights of old cadiz! KAPOW!
moocho loof
I can’t wait for this one!