Heathcote Williams’s verse polemic delivered by Alan Cox. “Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton — A Foaming Sleazeball from Hell versus
An Iron Lady, Hands Dripping with Blood”
Democracy Now recently asked Julian Assange whom he would choose between the pair of looming choices.
He said:
“Choosing Between Trump or Clinton is Like Picking Between Cholera or Gonorrhea.”
This almost headline inspired me to revise my thinking to now regard all individual politicians as individual diseases or compound diseases, like the Mayor of the city I live in, that I now regard as an autistic psychopath.
“Donald Trump’s warmongering rival is little better –
A humourless Iron Lady in hock to Wall Street:
Who crows after Gaddafi’s murder by CIA stooges:
She sadistically gloats, ‘We came; we saw; he died!'”
Ms. Clinton made the comment during an interview after being given an initial report that Gaddafi had been killed. The CIA’s interventions under the rubric of the Arab Spring have caused so much human suffering. Along with Iraq, this includes about a million dead and some millions of refugees. Germany alone has taken in a million. The infrastructure of several countries has been entirely destroyed, which will continue to cause suffering for decades to come. And she jokes and laughs. Our country has no morality.
The manipulation of a political system by two corrupted parties is not democracy. So many Americans have seen in bitterness that our political system disenfranchises the majority of voters because they are not given meaningful choices for the fundamental changes that need to take place if we are to be a just society.
Democracy Now recently asked Julian Assange whom he would choose between the pair of looming choices.
He said:
“Choosing Between Trump or Clinton is Like Picking Between Cholera or Gonorrhea.”
This almost headline inspired me to revise my thinking to now regard all individual politicians as individual diseases or compound diseases, like the Mayor of the city I live in, that I now regard as an autistic psychopath.
For those interested, a print version of the poem is here:
An interesting passage:
“Donald Trump’s warmongering rival is little better –
A humourless Iron Lady in hock to Wall Street:
Who crows after Gaddafi’s murder by CIA stooges:
She sadistically gloats, ‘We came; we saw; he died!'”
Ms. Clinton made the comment during an interview after being given an initial report that Gaddafi had been killed. The CIA’s interventions under the rubric of the Arab Spring have caused so much human suffering. Along with Iraq, this includes about a million dead and some millions of refugees. Germany alone has taken in a million. The infrastructure of several countries has been entirely destroyed, which will continue to cause suffering for decades to come. And she jokes and laughs. Our country has no morality.
The manipulation of a political system by two corrupted parties is not democracy. So many Americans have seen in bitterness that our political system disenfranchises the majority of voters because they are not given meaningful choices for the fundamental changes that need to take place if we are to be a just society.