It was too good to pass up this collage by Norman O. Mustill. He made it in 1968 as a comment on the Vietnam War, but it seems to me as accurate now as it was then. The only difference is that the wars have changed.
A little “I don’t care” music please …
I remember senior senator, Ted Kennedy, warning that an invasion into Iraq would create an uncontrollable terrorist explosion. But the drum beat of patriotism demanded everyone to think with their gonads. Yep, the ol’ country still has what it takes to create a number one hit with a bullet!
At least the plate of Asian food offers a bit of ethnic diversity. In 1965, 25% of the American causalities in Vietnam were black, but there is not one black person among the 19 officers the photo. To this day, blacks represent 18% of military personnel, but only 8% of the officer corps. The Pentagon is pretty much a five-sided honkyville.