Do Many Women Admire William Burroughs?
My staff of thousands hasn’t taken a survey, but I can count his female fans on one hand. When it comes to the number I actually know, make that one finger. Her name is Hanne Lippard, the Berlin-based poet and performance artist with the killer voice. I’ve blogposted about her before: Prick Up Your Ears for Hanne Lippard and Every Crumb Can Become a Piece of Cake. “By the by, speaking of Burroughs,” she emails, “this one is actually somewhat inspired by his reading of Junky.” Go listen: It’s a tongue twister called Boys.
I really enjoyed listening to this poem. It seems related to Brion Gysin’s concepts of permutation poetry which I think also influenced Beckett. The technique shows up in Beckett’s theater texts, and is vividly demonstrated in his late work “Rockaby.” I also see correlations with works like Beckett’s “Not I” — the relentless rhythms created by the mind’s voice. Above all, I really like the musicality of her work which she demonstrates wonderfully on her SoundCloud site where she recites several other of her poems. Such intricate and varied rhythms combined with the syntax of language. A real pleasure. There is great potential for forms of music theater in what she does. So cool.