Cold Turkey Press has just put together a beautiful portfolio of menu-size collages by Norman O. Mustill dating from 1975, when Mustill sent them to Carl Weissner, who wanted to illustrate his German translation of Harold Norse’s Beat Hotel with Mustill’s artwork. Phew … got that? Weissner didn’t receive the collages in time to make the publisher’s deadline because Mustill was delayed by work on another project. So Weissner put the collages in a drawer. Nobody saw them for the next 37 years except, it turns out, for three that were published in 1977 in a little Swiss zine called Nachtmachine. Then, in 2012, after Weissner died unexpectedly, the collages were found in his Mannheim flat. When Cold Turkey publisher Gerard Bellaart got a look at them this past April, a year later, he swiftly put together a portfolio, Mustill gave it the title Cuisine Rapide and, quicker than you can say fast food, there was a limited numbered edition of 36 copies, several of which are now available for purchase from Sea Urchin. Wow.
Received my copy of the portfolio this weekend – mind-blowing…beautiful!