Kant was also born in 1724, a coincidence not lost on Editions Silverbridge, the French publisher of Birth of the Cunt. The video was recorded Nov. 5, 2010, at the fifth annual NY Art Book Fair, taking place this weekend at MoMA P.S. 1 in Queens, New York. On the soundtrack that’s Spike Wilner noodling on piano, live at Smalls, a great little jazz club in Manhattan.
Book dealer Arthur J. Fournier, of F.A. Bernett Books, demonstrates the French multimedia magazine sonorama, which ran from 1958 to 1961. Also recorded at the NY Art Book Fair on Nov. 5.
(Crossposted at HuffPo)
I am amazed at the “progress” we have made in such a relatively short space of time. Thanks for the feature, the sonorama part reminds me of when I was a kid and we had some floppy plastic discs, about a tenth of the thickness of an LP, that had children’s stories on them. As I said, the development of multimedia over the last 60 years is phenomenal. I wonder what’s next?