Obama preserved his civility. Too bad he still hasn’t found a way to deep-six the deep voodo of Republican assholes like John McCain. Or reverse his own unwillingness to nationalize the banks. At least not so far. Ugh!
(Crossposted at HuffPo)
Arts, Media & Culture News with 'tude
I did not bother including my darker thoughts on your previous blog, because no one will listen. In a few words, a strong Union is exactly what the corporations need. Big box stores like Wal-Mart and Home Depot, or the massive oil companies that eliminated all the smaller, independent gas stations are a few common examples. Regional cultures and economies must be eradicated at all costs and a single mass market created. This is especially true in hard times when people are likely to begin thinking more regionally and rebel against the big business world in our few financial centers. So Obama talks up the Union – the Union that so richly serves the centralized financial elite. He’s right on script – and even with a touching portrait of good ol’ Abe. These people are ingenious. I am sadder than ever.