We live now in the dirty stockings of Adolph. That’s how we saw it. No surprise there. As we await the Bullshitter-in-Chief‘s next maneuver to cement two legacies of his regime — the genocidal war in Iraq and the BananaRepublic — here’s a year-end review of some political postings favored by readers:
To Our Pipsqueak Leaders
Bad Bargains
One More Ventriloquist Dummy
No. 1 With a Bullet
‘I Am Me and Rummy’s He …’
Frankly, He’s a Toad
Deja Prevu, or Just the Facts
President Neuman
No Parking for 9/11’s Fifth
Tears of Bullshit
On a Bicycle and a Prayer
Banana Republicans
Pants on Fire
No Full Stop
Pass the Milk, Please
And Still Counting
The One True Person of the Year
Tomorrow: Postings on arts and culture.
Postscript: Ah well, tomorrow came … and went. Mebbe later.
PPS: Later has come.
The staff fell down on the job this year. It posted only 160 or so items since last January, and just a fraction had something to do with arts and culture. Tant pis. To its everlasting credit, however, the staff did take note of some admired writers, artists, filmmakers and assorted crackpots for work they did, mostly long ago, and for the issues they raised.
It was a narrow “some” — William S. Burroughs, Nelson Algren, Norman O. Mustill, Henry Miller, Willy Wyler, Mary Beach, William Osborne, Ernest Hemingway, John Bryan, E.L. Doctorow, William Styron. Other notables were loathed.
Help yourselves:
Memorial for Mary, Au Revoir
Picture This
Forward Nails Lauder
Master of the Cosmodemonic
Deep Focus, Es Claro?
Dead Reckoning
For the Love of Algren
The Copycat and the Original Cat
The Good Old Bad Old Days
‘Wild Side’ Still Rocks
Forever and a Day
Repulski’s Revenge
Hello! (Is My Boat Comin’ In?)
Music of the Spheres
Take Two: Bill Burroughs & Tony Balch
Wo ist Die ‘Opera Toilet’?
Like Father, Like Son
Human Wrongs
A Different Kind of Bushwack
William Styron, RIP
VPo + America – Blacks = (Classical Music x Cultural Racism)²