Another must-see broadcast of indelible outrage: “Lessons from the Vietnam War,” Keith Olbermann’s latest special commentary on the Bullshitter-in-Chief. It aired last night. I don’t know whether KO dines out on sushi, but if he’s smart, he’ll lay off for now.
Postscript: The bullshitter’s takeaway from Vietnam — “We’ll succeed, unless we quit.” — also pisses off Joe Conason, and for the same reasons (expressed in almost the same words). He should watch his back, too.
Couldn’t help noticing a peculiar contradiction in Conason’s remarks, though. I’m sure he reviles what happened during the Vietnam War. Yet he damns the bullshitter for avoiding it. If he objects to the inequity of a privileged snot being able to cop out of the war by pulling strings while the less privileged couldn’t, fine. He ought to say so. Instead he simply calls him “a man who quit Vietnam before he ever got there,” as though the war was a worthy cause. Can’t have it both ways, Joe.