A rightwing friend of mine worries that I’m suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome.
according to the well-named Charles Krauthammer, is “the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise
normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W.
Bush.” I thanked my friend for the reference and pointed out that Robert Baer’s “Sleeping With the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi
Crude” provides a straightforward, easily understood explanation of
the symptoms — which in fact signal realistic fears rather than paranoia. Or to paraphrase Lou
Costello: “I know there’s no such thing as Dracula. You know there’s no such thing as Dracula.
But does Dracula know it?” And let’s not forget: BDS is a reaction not limited to the Maximum
Leader. His triumvirate of cronies — Cheney, Rumsfeld and Ashcroft — cause the same syndrome.