Now for really serious things: a magazine
swimsuit issue starring Albert
Einstein, which needs no further comment, and tonight’s broadcast of the
20th MTV Video Music
Awards, which has starred so many media-made creatures
that the ever-reliable celebrity
site insists on offering them more free
Ryan McGee, a former Harvard man with a beautifully named Weblog, Wading
in The Velvet Sea, has followed the MTV Awards for a long
time — maybe too long. It seems to have infected his brain with fame fever. The other day,
he had this to
Roughly a year ago, I “hit it big” with a rundown of the Video Music Awards.
It was my first taste of widespread readership, and the positive feedback I received basically
transformed my blog into what it is today. So I know all too well, even in my miniscule version of
celebrity, how intoxicating it can be, and why you strive towards it.
Without question, McGee feels the pulse of pop culture in his finger tips. But attentive,
earnest musings on celebrity such as his — though honest, smart and often funny — make you
wonder about the value of a Harvard education.