Having grown up with the benefit of a <cue serious voice>traditional classical music education </voice> in the form of violin lessons every Tuesday at 7 p.m.–thanks mom and dad!!–I can be a little snobby about cute games and interactive internet activities that aim to impart some sort of musical literacy. I mean, if flash cards and etudes where good enough when I was a lass–(ahem)–I am not yet ready to concede that there is an app that can take the place of all that hard won training.
Away from the high emotion and cold light of my computer screen, I realize that it is not a concession anyone is actually asking me to make. There are, however, some amazing new ways to manipulate sound that are accessible without the financial investment often required to supply would-be students with instruments and training. Plus, either these programs are getting cooler and cooler by the day, or I am just paying more attention. Take, for example, this bit of sequencing fun. Fair warning that it can be quite addictive once you figure out how it all works and how sophisticated it can get. Bonus: It’s not nearly as annoying to listen to while you’re getting the hang of it as a stubborn second grader with a half-sized violin.
[via waxy]
So fun! Here is another treat that will make the Apple-centric folks smile…