Okay, kids, let’s put our heads together. To save classical music, what viral video ploy would you use? (That is, of course, unless you think current classical music marketing is doing the job just fine the way it is, thank you very much.)
Yeah, I’m not being altogether serious, but a lot of viral videos do capitalize on some bit of musical, um, ingenuity. Two cases came across my desk this morning that seemed worth noting here in MTG, however. Instead of cats playing keyboards, hipsters playing with auto-tune, or ingratiating wordless Russian melodies getting jammed down our ears (accidentally!), these latest viral videos capitalize on freestyle piano improv and the classical music. Thought this could never be?
Yeah, me too. But just watch as a million stereotypes are piled on top of one another so that a string quartet can sell beer to 1,000 soccer fans…
On the night of the October 21st the Real Madrid played Champions League match against AC Milan. Heineken convinced several university professors, girlfriends, and several bosses to convince their students, boyfriends and employees to go to a concert on that night. All of them couldn’t say no and had to go to the classical concert.
[via Mashable]
Your host, Merton, freestyling in real-time with random strangers on Chat Roulette. No piano lessons, Merton is self-taught. Not Ben Folds. Seriously.
[via Waxy]
UPDATE: From the comments (thanks, Acheron!) Keep ’em coming, folks.
I’ll tell you what the key is… star power. People will do whatever celebrities do because it’s cool. Check out this video Jason Bateman did detailing his OBSESSION with classical music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cchvU2L6qf8 We need a few more like him to start the bandwagon.
Molly adds: Wow, that “I am obsessed with classical music” line is great, and the whole piece is an amazing commercial. Thanks for cluing me in.
Not sure if you allow trackbacks, but your post inspired a mini-essay.
Molly says: Sorry, I never made a habit of filling in that box. But I will going forward and thanks much for sharing!
Ha! A soccer hooligan friend of mine just informed me that the string quartet starts playing the “Champions League Anthem” during the reveal, which is apparently something that any fan would recognize.
I would love to send that video to my patron who exchanged his tickets at the last minute for “marital bliss” because the concert conflicted with the Oscars.
Molly adds: Indeed!
Does anyone else envision cats spinning in circles when they read ChatRoulette or is it just me?
Okay, here’s a real contribution! Got this one (Raisin Brahms) from my little brother yesterday:
I love this discussion. I am an example of a “classical flutist gone viral.” I started posting videos of myself playing and teaching flute 3 years ago and I have had approx. 6 million measureable views online. I have over 7,000 subscribers from all over the world. Here are a few links to my videos, some serious, some a little more on the lighthearted side.
Telemann b minor Fantasy:
What is the REAL FLUTE project:
Vampina Perlove, the Transylvanian Flute Lesson:
Virtual Rehearsal:
I try to convey my serious passion (or as Jason Bateman might say, obsession) for classical music and flute playing, with humor and I even tap into pop culture at times. I want to show the world that classical music can be engaging and inspiring but that it can also be FUN! So help me spread the word about classical flute!
-Nina Perlove
aka “the internet flutist”
a bit of topic but i haven’t laughed that hard in a while as when I saw that chat roulette video withe the piano man.
So many guys juts sitting there trying to pick up girls or wahtever and this hilarious guys just ruins it for them, good job 😉