meh, it’s an ok vid cover. I think that LG’s video is many ways too ridiculous to even need a spoof. Plus, every time I watch, I can’t help but feel like there’s something really cool that I’m not quite getting. So I watch again.
But I suppose that was off topic. Maybe art music needs cool videos with very attractive dancers, a large budget, and catchy tunes. Seriously?!? I guess I am officially an old then because all I can think about are the bazillion hours it took to craft this and what that means about love of art and artist–MS
Susan Sheridansays
Nah, I think it has more to do with the younger generation wanting to shock and distance themselves from their parent’s generation. So it just gets wierder and wierder as time goes by. Plus there are more venues available to the current generation to get their message out in a more sophisticated fashion. Aw, mom, you’re so square ;)–MS
Never made a shot-for-shot remake, but my friends and I in high school made a bunch of our own music videos. One that comes to mind, involved a B-52’s song (“Girl from Ipanema Goes to Greenland,” ah… takes me back), me on an exercise bike, and everyone else running backwards to make it look like I was going forwards. Completely ridiculous and a ton of fun. I wish I could make time for that kind of fandom now.
meh, it’s an ok vid cover. I think that LG’s video is many ways too ridiculous to even need a spoof. Plus, every time I watch, I can’t help but feel like there’s something really cool that I’m not quite getting. So I watch again.
But I suppose that was off topic. Maybe art music needs cool videos with very attractive dancers, a large budget, and catchy tunes.
Seriously?!? I guess I am officially an old then because all I can think about are the bazillion hours it took to craft this and what that means about love of art and artist–MS
Nah, I think it has more to do with the younger generation wanting to shock and distance themselves from their parent’s generation. So it just gets wierder and wierder as time goes by. Plus there are more venues available to the current generation to get their message out in a more sophisticated fashion.
Aw, mom, you’re so square ;)–MS
Never made a shot-for-shot remake, but my friends and I in high school made a bunch of our own music videos. One that comes to mind, involved a B-52’s song (“Girl from Ipanema Goes to Greenland,” ah… takes me back), me on an exercise bike, and everyone else running backwards to make it look like I was going forwards. Completely ridiculous and a ton of fun. I wish I could make time for that kind of fandom now.