Watch the following video in which Mark Gillespie, general and artistic manager of Orchestra of the Americas and Salzburg Global Forum for Young Cultural Leaders Fellow, suggests that orchestras should connect with youth at a very early age so that musicians grow out of the community.
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Having witnessed my daughters and their peers participate in the Face the Music program for young musicians at the Lucy Moses School of the Kaufman Center in Manhattan, I am convinced that the future audience for serious music (orchestral, classical, contemporary classical…) will grow from students’ experiences playing the music. Especially in contemporary music performance, the challenge, the athleticism, the focus required is something that youth respond to as a form of deep engagement.
Fine video, Mark. I like everything you say, and believe that orchestras will identify with their communities in a deeper way as time progresses. I should then share with you, that I am looking for orchestras not only in the US, but everywhere, to be part of a commissioning project honoring veterans of past and present. If you can watch the video and peruse the web page which follows, please let me know your thoughts. It requires chorus, orchestra, and I am the piano soloist spearheading the commission. We do not have premieres outside of the US, so the door is wide open:
Please write to me at if you would like to explore this together.