In Listen vs. Tell I spoke of the necessary switch from telling people about our work to listening to them as a pre-requisite for effective communication. As happens not infrequently, Carter Gilles responded thoughtfully and at length. He has given me permission to share his expansion on my thoughts here. This particular phrasing [Listen vs. Tell] reminded me of the work that the philosopher Carol Gilligan did I think in the 80s. … [Read more...]
Mission Commitment
One of the most basic elements of effective community engagement is commitment to community well-being at the mission level. Without this, virtually all other efforts will be marginal at best or counter-productive at worst. The nature of this commitment can be expressed in whatever way is most authentic to the organization and its communities. The generic template I sometimes suggest can be found here. It's so general, it's more of a sentiment … [Read more...]
Listen vs. Tell
Over a year ago I began presented a somewhat tongue-in-cheek means of differentiating among two vastly different styles of approaching sales, audience development, audience engagement, and community engagement–the means by which we connect with the public. It was rooted in the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, the "tell" and "interact" versions of the internet. In sharing the concept with people I realized that basing it on Web 1.0 and Web … [Read more...]
Case Studies
The Community Engagement Training offered by ArtsEngaged is also preparing new trainers. As a culminating part of their work, they prepare a case study critiquing a project they know well. Here are the first four. To see the full case study, click on the links. A successful, on-going project between a major symphony orchestra and the city's African-American communities Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (CSO) Classical Roots by Anne … [Read more...]
Small Wins
Last time, I mentioned the idea of "small wins." It's a common concept in change management discussions and a fairly self-evident one. Still, I've been struck by the number of community engagement professionals leading organizational transformation to community engagement who have cited it as a critical factor in the process. These mini pilot projects developed jointly with new community partners lay the groundwork for bigger things, establish … [Read more...]
Understanding Engagement
ArtsEngaged is pleased to introduce a new resource for engagement practitioners. We are making available the content of Understanding Engagement, Unit 1 of our Community Engagement Training course. The Unit is divided into two sections. The first concentrates on definitions and principles of effective community engagement practice. The second addresses objections to community engagement, some of the reasons it is so important to the future of our … [Read more...]
Funding Engagement
In the relatively near future I will be facilitating a Community Engagement Network conversation addressing the topic of "Funding Engagement." (To join the network, click here. If you are not Facebook friendly, email us at I get questions on this topic frequently and always have to gird myself before responding. So here is what I try to bear in mind in answering the questions: If you have to have funding before you can begin … [Read more...]
Wristband Today we use a song by Paul Simon as our text. If you don't know "Wristband" go ahead and watch/listen. We'll wait for you to come back. (If you want, skip ahead to 18 seconds in.) But pay particular attention to the "message" verse about 2/3 of the way through. The riots started slowly with the homeless and the lowly Then they spread into the heartland towns that never get a wristband Kids that can't afford the … [Read more...]
Needs of the Field
Last time (The State of Engagement) I shared some thoughts about the status of community engagement in the nonprofit arts industry. Today I want to offer a few observations about the needs of our field with respect to community engagement. Before I begin I want to be clear that this does not purport to be an exhaustive list but simply some of the things that are most on my mind right now. Understanding/Awareness There is a great need for … [Read more...]
The State of Engagement
As I consider the future of ArtsEngaged and of my own role in the community engagement arena I am, of necessity, thinking about the status of community engagement in the nonprofit arts industry. If most (or even many) arts organizations were on a clear path to substantive community engagement there would be no need for training in and advocacy for community engagement. I'd be really (really, really) happy to ride off into the sunset. But from my … [Read more...]