As I grow up (an incredibly slow and painful process, especially at age 60), I find myself, in spite of myself, learning things. One of the most revealing lessons I've more fully grasped in the last year is that arts marketers and community engagement advocates can and should be the best of friends. On first consideration, this is far from obvious. The two have vastly different ultimate goals, vastly divergent frames of reference. Marketers … [Read more...]
Given my background in the "classical" music world, I have been for some time an admirer of Greg Sandow's blog, Sandow, although I will confess that I have not subscribed to it. That has changed. Mr. Sandow is in the middle of a series of posts addressing the need for transformation in the music industry that, in spite of the fact that I have been saying many of the same things here, I could not have said better myself. I try (unsuccessfully) … [Read more...]
Valuing Public Good
In preparing my last post [Structures and Models in Blogs, Oh My] about the recent discussions of structural and business models for arts organizations, I was gradually overcome with an uncomfortable sensation. The argument that the intrinsic benefits of the arts are undermined by the need to serve the public scares me. When (and how) did furthering the public good become a bad thing? Before I go any further, let me acknowledge that I'm … [Read more...]
Structures and Models in Blogs, Oh My
The last week or so has seen a number of blog posts from some of my favorite thinkers in the arts addressing Big Questions about arts structures in very serious ways. (The picture is related to this post's title. Not to the bloggers!) I am not going to repeat what they said, but I'd like to highlight the issues they raise. First, Adam Huttler, the Fractured Atlas guru, responded (in Swimming Downstream in the Current of History) to Michael … [Read more...]
Art Is Not Fundamental
Now that I have your attention . . . . I have just concluded an eight week marathon attending five conferences across the U.S. and beyond. At each, something leapt out at me for blog posting. (Indeed, I think I milked the American Association of Museums Conference for four entries.) There are still some left to craft and inflict upon you. However, today, the last shall be first. At the Americans for the Arts Conference in San Antonio last … [Read more...]
At Last
At long last, Building Communities, Not Audiences: The Future of the Arts in the United States, is available for purchase. The paperback is available by clicking this link for CreateSpace. (It's also available at Amazon, but my accountant will be happier if you use the CreateSpace link.) The ebook version is available at Kindle. The Nook and iTunes accounts are getting set up and will carry the ebook soon. (Update: iTunes store version should be … [Read more...]
Make Yourself Indispensable
My hometown newspaper, the Winston-Salem (NC) Journal, is one of the papers Media General is selling to Warren Buffett's BH (Berkshire Hathaway) Media Group. There was recently an article in the paper about that sale and Mr. Buffett's communication with the publishers and editors of the papers the Group has purchased. The general take was that the new owners intend to be "hands off" in terms of editorial policy. But there was one sentence in Mr. … [Read more...]
My Excellent Singapore Adventure
Regular readers of this blog know that I do not "journal" here. I attempt to maintain a myopic focus on issues related to the arts and community engagement. Therefore, I had not intended to write about my trip to the other side of the globe. That travel was related to my work as an arts administration educator. I was asked to address the inaugural meeting of the Asia-Pacific Network for Cultural Education and Research. I am, though, virtually … [Read more...]
Public Utilities-Private Amenities
Another highlight for me of the recent American Association of Museums Conference was a brief presentation by Ford Bell, President of AAM. In a very short welcoming speech, he said two things that will stick with me for a long time. A while back (in Bimodal Engagement) I mentioned that I have been hearing leaders of national service organizations weighing in on the importance of substantively engaging with or involving community. Dr. Bell, in … [Read more...]
One Way
I barely know where (or how) to begin. In a recent article in the Huffington Post, Michael Kaiser writes about engagement. (Engaging Audiences) So far so good, although see below regarding the title of the article. He also ends the article with the following: "[T]his effort will not be sustained if there isn't real commitment to on-going implementation of the engagement strategy. Audience engagement cannot be the flavor of the week; it must … [Read more...]