Building Communities, Not Audiences: The Future of the Arts in the United States
Engage Now! A Guide to Making the Arts Indispensable
[Purchase info below]
I have to be honest, I haven’t finished it yet because I’m constantly having to digest the ‘YES’ and ‘AMEN’ moments I get from each section.
Beth Philemon, ChoirBaton Podcast
The first time I read Doug Borwick’s Building Communities, Not Audiences I could not stop smiling. Borwick . . . hammers home the lesson that for “practical and moral reasons, arts institutions need to be more deeply and sincerely connected to their communities.” I strongly encourage everyone involved in the arts, elected officials, and funders to read Borwick’s book!
John Shipman, former Executive Director of The Delaware Contemporary
[A]n expert, comprehensive resource
as well as a guiding light for the future of the nonprofit arts.
Josephine Ramirez, Former Arts Program Director, James Irvine Foundation
Doug Borwick . . . provides leading action steps to building a stronger, more sustainable connection with the people that arts organizations serve.
Robert Lynch, President & CEO, Americans for the Arts
Borwick masterfully reconstructs community engagement beyond “policyspeak” . . . proving why he is the authority on community engagement work.
Alan Salzenstein, Former President, Association of Arts Administration Educators
Professor of Performing Arts Management/Arts Leadership, DePaul University
Individual Copies (paperback/ebook):
Building Communities, Not Audiences
Engage Now!
For bulk orders: Order Here or email books@artsengaged.com
Other Resources from ArtsEngaged
- Community Engagement Network: A Facebook group for community engagement advocates and practitioners
- Engagement Essentials: A large collection of outlines, tools, and writings to support community engagement work:
- Community Engagement: What You Need to Know (The bare-boned essentials)
- Embarking on Community Engagement (Know before you go, including:)
- Initial Steps: Simple and Slow
- Initial Means of Connecting
- Mainstreaming Engagement
- The Engagement Process (A process outline of Planning, Preparing, and Partnering)
- Evaluating Community Engagement (Process and Outcomes)
- Excellence and Community Engagement (Addressing issues regarding “quality” in community engagement)
- The Question of Excellence
- Equity and Respect
- Articulating the Benefits of the Arts (Bridging the gap between practical and ineffable)
- Definitions
- Other Resources
- Tools
- Writings
- Community Engagement Training Resources