We're aggregating upwards of 150 stories a week on ArtsJournal these days. Despite the decimation of the daily newspaper arts journalism profession, there are more good stories about the arts now than there have ever been. But that also means it's more difficult to sort through. We look through more than 1000 stories a day and pick 20-30. But maybe there's a finer sort that would be useful. In two … [Read more...]
When Libraries Realize That The Most Valuable Thing They Own Isn’t Their Collections
Remember when the internet came along and everyone wondered whether there would still be a use for libraries? Oddly, just as the question was being called, in the early 2000s there was a building boom of new libraries around North America. And public libraries didn't die, they flourished, many reinventing themselves as community centers for the 21st Century. The idea of a public library is … [Read more...]
Is Earning Making Money The New Audience-Building Strategy?
Maybe it's obvious, but in the for-profit world, making money is the point; profit defines success. In the non-profit world, the relationship between profit and success is more complicated. "Profit" (or balancing the books) is regarded as a hill to be climbed over rather than the objective. In the hyper-connected world of social media, profit is no longer simply about selling more product. More … [Read more...]
The Innovation Imperative (But Will It Get Us An Audience?)
Recently, an orchestra manager told me that his orchestra was going to be "the most innovative orchestra in the world." I asked what he was doing that was so innovative, and he rattled off a list of initiatives - performing out in the community in unusual spaces, partnering with other artists and arts organizations on projects the orchestra had never considered, expanding repertoire to include … [Read more...]
The Mass Market Ain’t What It Used To Be (And What That Means For The Arts)
What does it mean to "engage with an audience"? It's a fundamental question for anyone who makes anything. Whether it's a political party trying to win votes, Coke trying to sell drinks, an entrepreneur trying to sell an idea, or a theatre trying to sell tickets. Whole industries thrive on trying to define, quantify and strategize engagement and building audience. It breaks down into three … [Read more...]
Why Is My Hotel Following Me? (Ah, It’s Big Data)
The hotel I stayed at in San Diego last month has been following me around for weeks. Seriously, it’s getting annoying - a one-night-stand that refuses to recede gracefully into memory. Everywhere I go on the web, it’s there waiting for me, promising me a “great location in the center of town” even though my stay has long passed. That hi-tech workout clothing I ordered online last week? (very … [Read more...]
Too Many Artists Or Not Enough Value?
Scott Timberg's book Culture Crash makes a case that the transformation of our culture right now is killing artists' ability to make a living making art. He cites a number of reasons, but in the end it boils down to the fact that with so much free culture/art available, people are increasingly unwilling to pay for the art they use, thus making it economically unviable for artists to make their … [Read more...]
Culture-crashing – Is The Internet Killing Our Creative Class?
Scott Timberg, an arts journalist and author of the CultureCrash blog on ArtsJournal, has a new book out called... Culture Crash. It's Scott's attempt to look at how the digital revolution has impacted artists. The tagline of the book - "The Killing of the Creative Class" - gives you an idea of what he thinks has happened. His premise is that artists are having a more and more difficult time … [Read more...]
Live Versus The Machine (Let’s Not Take The Live Experience For Granted)
The promise of virtual reality has intrigued science fiction writers for years. But the technology for VR has been rather disappointing. Until now, writes Wired. A headset called the Oculus Rift has gamers excited. But also movie makers and artists interested in new forms of story-telling: What is known is that the ways that perspectives can change thanks to virtual reality are remarkable. … [Read more...]
British Orchestras – Bigger Audiences For Less Money
British orchestras report an increase in attendees - a 16 percent increase no less - over an earlier three-year period: A survey by the Association of British Orchestras (ABO) has found attendances at concerts and performances between 2012 and 2013 were up 16 per cent on those three years earlier. More than 4.5 million people a year now see orchestras play live in the UK. But earned income is … [Read more...]
Welcoming A New AJ Blogger: Art of the audience
I'm very pleased to welcome a new blogger to ArtsJournal today. Lynne Conner will be writing the blog We the Audience, a blog about the relationships between artists and audiences. Lynne is a professor in the theatre and dance department at Colby College in Maine, where she directs plays and teaches playwriting, performance history, and art for social justice courses. She's also a terrific … [Read more...]
Morbid Curiosity – Culture Is Dead (Move Along…)
What a week. First there was the Slate piece that declared classical music dead. Then spiked decided that pop music was over. Why is it that people keep wanting to kill off great swaths of our culture? These are only the latest in a long series of articles declaring the end of orchestras, of Netflix, TV, the demise of book stores, movie theatres, publishing, video games, the English language, … [Read more...]
A New ArtsJournal is coming.
It's been a while since we redesigned ArtsJournal. AJ is now 14 years old, and this will be the fifth redesign. And a new content platform as well, as the site moves to WordPress. This week we're testing the new design while I chase down bugs (for example, the site is currently loading too slowly). I'll write more about the direction the site is taking once it launches, but for now you can see it … [Read more...]
Are Arts Leaders “Cultural” Leaders?
The two terms sometimes get mixed up. They're not interchangeable. For the most part, the big cultural debates of our time take place without participation of our artists and arts leaders. If artists aren't participating - let alone leading - it's difficult to make the case that they're cultural leaders. Somehow, our public debates about values - and by extension, what our culture looks like - … [Read more...]
What if an Arts Organization was a MOOC?
That's "Massive Open Online Course" and they're everywhere right now. Some of the most prestigious universities are creating courses online and attracting tens of thousands of students. Among them is Curtis, the music school in Philadelphia, which became the first big music conservatory to sign up with Coursera. We live in a time in which we're overwhelmed with information, with choices. People … [Read more...]