We've had lots of comments on the new design for ArtsJournal - many of them positive - and then a full-throated chorus of those who find the new look wanting (ouch). I've changed a number of things based on these comments. The biggest change is restoring the topic groupings to the newsletters. Many complained that it was more difficult to scan the stories when they weren't grouped by topic. I'm … [Read more...]
ArtsJournal's New Look
Actually it's more than just a new look. The entire website has been rebuilt from the ground up. Why change something that's simple and easy to use and has worked well for the past four years? Content management systems have advanced considerably since we last rebuilt ArtsJournal, and the new system will allow us more flexibility in compiling and delivering ArtsJournal. New News Format The first … [Read more...]
The Way-Behind Blogger
As my post below says, right after I started this blog I embarked on a major overhaul of ArtsJournal. The site hasn't been upgraded in about four years, and it was time. Of course it's taken much longer than I ever expected. The first version of AJ took about a week. I got the idea to do the site on a Tuesday, the next day I registered the name, got a web host and bought some books on html. By … [Read more...]
Sorry for the silence…
Right after I launched this blog I delved into a major redesign of the ArtsJournal website. It's been four years since the last redesign and not only has the look of the site become a little creaky, but the backend has needed some major work as well. The new ArtsJournal will have some new features and the blogs will play more of a role. So I'll be back blogging later this week after I finish the … [Read more...]
A New Video Age
In just about a year-and-a-half, YouTube has become the biggest website on the internet. Each day 65,000 videos are uploaded to the site. One hundred million videos are streamed from the site everyday. It's an amazing service - easy to use both as a watcher and as an uploader. People are adding video of every kind, from things they've shot themselves to current TV to classic videos. Video is … [Read more...]
The Best Culture Coverage?
I like the Guardian. Though it has a good stable of writers, its biggest strength is its editing. The Guardian is a consistently lively read day in and day out. This is a paper that isn't afraid to argue with itself. A critic might sound off on some topic one day, only to be contradicted a few days later by another critic. A day after that the head of the National Theatre is weighing in to tell … [Read more...]
But First, A Blog?
Over the past three years I have talked a couple hundred people into blogging. While I've never considered ArtsJournal itself a blog, it does satisfy one reason to blog - pointing readers towards interesting things elsewhere on the web, and I think of the skein of these stories as a curated conversation about culture and ideas. There's been an explosion in the number of blogs about culture in the … [Read more...]
Over the past 60 years the idea of mass culture has taken on a life of its own; this idea that mainstream culture, mainstream media, is so powerful, so pervasive, that it touches every aspect of our lives. Indeed, it's difficult to escape... … [Read more...]
…Douglas McLennan
is an arts journalist and critic and the founder and editor of ArtsJournal.com, the leading aggregator of arts journalism on the internet. Each day ArtsJournal features an array of links to stories from more than 200 publications worldwide. Prior to starting ArtsJournal... … [Read more...]
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