When Pigasso Met Mootisse
The book cover tells you all you want to know. A lovely and fun book. I stand self-corrected: A great children’s book.My sister Linda and her son Ian, gave this book to my daughter Sophie. Linda is a veteran arts teacher in a Brooklyn public school.
What Charile Heard: The Story of American Composer Charles Ives
An inspired book, one that was given to me as a gift by The American Composers Orchestra (on whose board I sit) upon the birth of my daughter. It’s a detailed and touching story of the extraordinary life of the the father of experimental music in America.
This Land is Your Land
Another absolutely stunning book, that is equal parts title song and bits and pieces of the life and legacy of Woody Guthrie. And of course, the book retains the original lyrics. Nothing censored. So, if you’re one of those folks with an axe to grind about arts and social justice, this book is not for you.
Forever Young
Hey Bob Dylan fans!
Man Gave Names to All The Animals
Hey again, Bob Dylan fans!
My Favorite Things
Take R&H classics and combine them with sweet illustrations by Renee Graef. Sounds like a nice arts integration project.
Patakin–World Tales of Drums and Drummers
My dear friend Nina Jaffe has written this wonderful book that should be on the shelves of every art loving parent and child, everywhere! Once upon a time, I thought this book could be the basis for a children’s drumming movement. I still do. Ask Nina, she will tell you about my vision of drum sets and refrigerator magnets for kids. And, don’t forget to check out Nina’s series of children’s books based upon Wonder Woman!
Hip Hop Speaks to Children with CD: A Celebration of Poetry with a Beat
A great entry point for contemporary poetry for kids. Beautifully illustrated with a beat you can dance to, as they used to say on American Bandstand.
Touch the Art: Pop Warhol’s Top
I just love this book, one that is particularly good with the youngest of the younger generation. And, it’s not just Warhol, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Quiet Time with Cassatt
This book is beautifully put together. A very sweet and thoughtful approach. And, the reproductions are surprisingly good.
Show Time: Music, Dance, and Drama Activities for Kids
Why wait?
The Butterfly Dance
This books is a captivating story of a Rabbit that travels to perform the traditional Butterfly Dance. A beautiful entry into the Hopi Culture.
Kid Made Modern
Crafts and Modern Art, presented to you by Todd Oldham. Brilliant.
And here are a few additional links to books by Nina Jaffe:
In the Month of Kislev: A Story for Hanukkah (Viking)
ages-3-8 (and up)
The Golden Flower: A Taino Myth from Puerto Rico (Arte
Publico) ages 3-8 (and up) —
La Flor de Oro: Un Mito Taino de Puerto Rico
(Arte Publico) ages 3-8 (and up)
The Way Meat Loves Salt: A Cinderella Tale from the
Jewish Tradition ( Holt) ages 5-10 (and up)
Patakín: World Tales of Drums and Drummers (Cricket; Holt)
ages 8 -14 (and up)
The Cow of No Color: Riddle Stories and Justice Tales from
Around the World (Holt) ages 8-14 (and up)
Your information is wonderful; I would however, add age groups for the books.
Thank you and have a happy holiday season!