From today’s Huffington Post comes a blog by George Heymont titled More Funding for School Arts Programs, Less for Sports.
While Obama’s Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, is working to address the overwhelming problems facing America’s schools, I’ve got one suggestion that is long overdue: Let’s reverse the priorities previously given to sports activities and arts education in our schools. Let’s make the arts a top priority in every school’s extracurricular activities. Doing so might help develop more motivated, more sophisticated, more adaptable, more tolerant, and better educated students in future generations. It will also prepare them to be better citizens of the world.
In many of school districts, sports, or rather physical education has done even worse the arts programs. Calling for even less sports, particularly in urban school districts is a sort of battle of the crumbs left on the table. It’s hard to imagine much can be gained by denigrating physical education.
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