The posted an interesting piece about Barry Manilow and his commitment to music education: Local Students to Rub Shoulders with Manilow.
Apparently, Manilow not only “writes the songs” but also helps donate the instruments.
If you want to learn more about Manilow and his philanthropic work including the above, click on over to the Manilow Music Project Website.
In response to the needs of the local public schools and their severely depleted music programs, Barry Manilow gathered some friends and formed The Manilow Music Project as part of his nonprofit Manilow Health and Hope Fund. The mission statement of the Manilow Music Project highlights the importance of music programs in our schools and donates instruments and materials to school music programs.
FYI- Voxometer is dedicating the month of January to saving the arts and music programs in our shcools.
We are writing letters to folks that can make a difference.
We will publish a press release to raise awareness.
We are marshalling our memebers to help make a difference.
We could use your support –