Eduwonkette. She’s Babe Ruth, Wayne Gretzky, Diane Ravitch, and Edward Murrow all rolled into one. She’s absolutely brilliant as she manages to remain cheeky and friendly, while taking on many of the specious claims connected to testing, accountability, and the powerful propaganda machines claiming great success as a result of test score obsessed reforms.
The more I read her blog, the more I see new ammunition forming for arts education advocates to take on the giant machine of tests and purported accountability, the so-called successful reforms that push arts education and other subjects out the door, helping to make a well-rounded education the sole domain of elite private schools. (Have you ever heard of a private school that doesn’t offer the arts?) For those who feel that data orientation driving education can’t be easily countered, Eduwonkette has been taking this arena apart, in a way that can only be done by someone who really understand statistics, and always finds the perfect expert voice to further illuminate the matter at hand.
Give her blog a read today, and take a good look at her September 22nd post, Come Feel The Noise, and her September 23, post, What Does Educational Testing Really Tell Us: An Interview With Daniel Koretz.