The following email came my way yesterday from Big Thought of Dallas. It’s a great example, from a great organization, of rolling up your sleeves to mobilize constituents against budget cuts to arts education.
The Dallas arts community needs your help, please…WITHIN THE NEXT 48 HOURS!
This is a critical time for the arts in Dallas. Over the next few days the Dallas City Council will review the budget and consider amendments. This means they could further reduce or eliminate the proposed arts and cultural areas currently in the budget (this includes facilities maintenance, programming and other areas).
We must make sure that every council member understands the value of a strong and vibrant arts and cultural community and votes for full funding! Please take just a few minutes TODAY and send the City Council an email message in support of restoring full funding for this valuable area of the City budget.
We’ve made it easy for you:
- Choose a message template below
- Copy and paste it into an email, adding a one-sentence personal message
- Copy and paste the entire City Council addresses (listed below) into the “To” line
- Click and send!
VOLUME IS CRUCIAL! We want to flood City Hall with messages of support for arts and culture in Dallas. Please let them know of your support for the many benefits of an arts-rich city.
Thanks for supporting the arts and for working towards a more vibrant, prosperous Dallas.
Gigi Antoni
Dear Dallas City Council members,
As a parent, I urge you to restore full funding for all areas of the arts in our City’s budget. I believe (INSERT ONE-SENTENCE PERSONAL STATEMENT). Research has proven that the arts are much more than extras. They are vital to our city and especially to my family.
Your name and address
Dear Dallas City Council members,
As a teacher, I strongly encourage you to restore full funding for all areas of the arts in our City’s budget. I believe (INSERT ONE-SENTENCE PERSONAL STATEMENT). Studies show that students with an arts-rich education have better grade point averages in core academic subjects, score better on standardized tests, and have lower drop-out rates than students without arts education. Every child needs the arts, while they are in school and during the time they are out of school.
Your name and address
Dear Dallas City Council members,
As a business professional and a concerned citizen, I strongly encourage you to restore full funding for all areas of the arts in our City’s budget. I believe (INSERT ONE-SENTENCE PERSONAL STATEMENT). Local and national research studies prove that the arts are an economic driver – a growth industry that supports jobs, generates government revenue and sparks tourism. Our city requires committed and continued investments in the arts in order to thrive.
Your name and address
Dear Dallas City Council members,
As an arts professional, I strongly encourage you to restore full funding for all areas of the arts in our City’s budget. I believe (INSERT ONE-SENTENCE PERSONAL STATEMENT). In my work I see firsthand the value and power of the arts. Studies back up my experience, providing evidence that the arts boost academic performance and contribute greatly to our local economy.
Your name and address
Dear Dallas City Council members,
As a supporter of the arts and a concerned citizen, I strongly encourage you to restore full funding for all areas of the arts in our City’s budget. I believe (INSERT ONE-SENTENCE PERSONAL STATEMENT). Our city has come together to invest in a beautiful new arts district downtown. Many smaller companies throughout the city also offer stimulating, high quality arts experiences. Our city requires committed and continued investments in the arts throughout the entire city in order to thrive.
Your name and address