I was inspired by Barry’s Arts Blog and Updates list of the 25 most powerful people in nonprofit arts. So, as we close out one of the quietest weeks of the year, here’s my list for the 10 most powerful people in K-12 arts education:
- Joel Klein, Chancellor, New York City Department of Education
- Ramon Cortines, Senior Deputy Superintendent, Los Angeles Unified School District
- Arne Duncan, CEO, Chicago Public Schools
- Rudy Crew, Superintendent, Miami Dade County Public Schools
- Carol R. Johnson, Superintendent, Boston Public Schools
- Arlene Ackerman, The School District of Philadelphia
- Michelle Rhee, Chancellor, District of Columbia Public Schools
- Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers
- Reg Weaver, President, National Education Association
- Checker Finn, President, Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
Okay, here’s five more, that cross the threshold from power to influence:
11. Cyrus Driver, Deputy Director, Education and Scholarship, The Ford Foundation
12. Sarah Cunningham, National Endowment for the Arts
13. David Shookhoff, Manhattan Theater Club/New York City Arts Education Roundtable
14. Gigi Antoni, Big Thought of Dallas
15. Eric Booth, Consultant
Why is the still from The Wizard of Oz included in this? Smoke and Mirrors perhaps?