I am a little bit behind in my posts, as I am on vacation this week. Actually, it’s a “stay-cation,” as I am just hanging around home, going to local beaches, etc.
Testing, testing, testing. It’s practically all you hear about thanks to the school reform zeitgeist. We are hearing a lot about how effective the testing is, and of course, all the prep time for the tests doesn’t leave a great deal of time of subjects like arts education, which doesn’t have standardized tests as reading and math do. Kids are not just being tested, but taught how to take the tests, and being prepped (drilled) constantly.
Well, here’s a blog post from Eduwonkette, an analysis of data looking at the achievement gap in math and reading across. Eduwonkette sees this gap growing, between white/asian and black/hispanic students. The NYCDOE sees an entirely different story.
Take a gander at this post, for if the culture of testing isn’t making the grade, then perhaps a stronger argument can be made of taking some time out from all the test prep to make space in the school day for subjects such as arts education.