I don’t usually think of myself as a news-you-can-use type of reporter, but I guess my WSJ article and CultureGrrl post, about the new availability of cash for redeeming auction-house antitrust settlement coupons, have inspired strenuous bouts of spring cleaning in some households.
Auction client Lee Zuckerman writes:
Thanks so much for reminding me that I have been sitting on THOUSANDS of dollars of auction-house settlement coupons. I dutifully filed my claim in 2003, received my coupons, tucked them away in my safe deposit box, and then just forgot about it altogether.
As I was digesting the Journal late last night, I came upon your piece and proceeded to tear my apartment apart in search of the coupons I assumed would never be redeemable for anything other than more transactions with Sotheby’s.
I managed to resurrect my claim forms at about 3 a.m., and was able to contact the administrator directly this morning to confirm my good fortune. Then off to the bank where I found my coupons, and was able to send the whole lot off today. With luck, I should have checks for a significant sum in a couple of weeks.
Seriously, had it not been for your article, the bloody coupons would have been gathering dust in my safe deposit box well beyond the time of their expiration.