MONDAY was the birthday of titan akira kurosawa, born 1910, one of the guys who got me into international cinema and japanese film. from him i ventured into ozu, mizoguchi, ichikawa’s “burmese harp” and takeshi kitano… but will never forget first time i saw “rashomon.”
dont want to say too much more lest i bias the poll (to right) but a towering artist with more range than usually acknowledged. i was eating soba with sake last night and will hoist a toast in his direction.
Photo credit: Wikipedia
“Seven Samuri” hands down … the most realistic movie I think I’ve seen … long stretches seem documentary, like news film
not having lived thru samurai-era japan, i cant say how realistic it is, but SS certainly gives a sense you are really riding around with this guys… a wonderful movie now matter how you slice it… you can even watch their hair growing back after it’s cut early in film as i recall…