A sentence might sound promising in your head but crumble during its translation to the page. It might get maimed when shaved or become disfigured when tweaked, rejigged, or retrofitted. It might not be compatible with its neighbors. - Hedgehog Review
Amazon’s Kindle Vella spotlights the growing market for episodic stories, designed for mobile devices, unfolding as larger narratives over time. - GeekWire
As it circulated in manuscript (it was only published posthumously) from the author to Christopher Isherwood and onward, Maurice "became first an open secret and eventually the center of a sort of private reading club for gay male writers, critics, and friends, for decades." - The New Republic
Willard Jackson, who was forced out in 2020, is one of several men accused of diverting crowdfunded investment money raised for marijuana-related business ventures; he allegedly used his share to keep Ebony out of bankruptcy (which it ended up declaring anyway). - MarketWatch
Online discussion has created a new landscape for the consumption and production of poetry. To outsiders, there is either a swarm of names or a narrow row of critically-touted volumes; to insiders, as in any subculture, the little differences are everything. - The Drift
The vote by the Central York district board came after weeks of protests by students and unflattering reports in national media. The list of banned titles also included books by Jacqueline Woodson and Ibram X. Kendi, Malala Yousufzai's autobiography, and a documentary about James Baldwin. - The Guardian
That's already the case in Little Rock and Chattanooga, while the Tampa Bay Times prints only Wednesdays and Sundays. Many other papers throughout the US have cut some hard-copy days, especially Saturdays. Yet they all post news online all week long. - Local News Initiative (Northwestern University)
One of the finalists for this year's Prix Goncourt, The Children of Cadillac, was written by François Noudelmann, the romantic partner of one of the 10 jurors, Camille Laurens. What's more, Laurens recently savaged a competing book on the shortlist in a review for Le Monde. - The Guardian
In a clip from a meeting aired by CNN, which reported on student protests of the ban, members referred to the list of reading and educational material as “divisive” and “bad ideas.” - Miami Herald
"Big-name Christian authors penned a letter blasting it as 'dangerous,' and more than 900 people signed a petition decrying the decision to print it. The advertised publisher, part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, disavowed the book and denied it ever planned to print it in the first place." - Slate
"Supply chain problems have touched almost every aspect of book production, storage, and delivery, mostly as a result of Covid-related bottlenecks. Printer capacity issues plagued the publishing industry last year, too, though 2021 is expected to be worse." - Yahoo! (Quartz)
Osita Nwanevu: "The morsels of rage and misery we offer might not have much political effect, but they do feed an online writing economy that rewards speed, quantity, and deference to algorithms designed for the profit of three or four tech companies." - Columbia Journalism Review
"Honored worldwide as a playwright, Williams also wrote dozens of short stories. A rarely seen piece, 'The Summer Woman,' set in Italy, appears this week in the fall issue of the literary quarterly The Strand Magazine." - AP