It's a luxury writers with other full-time jobs long for - but the lucky often discover the luxury of being a full-time writer is a poisoned chalice. - LitHub
The main problem is that the contemporary American book review is first and foremost an audition — for another job, another opportunity, another day in the content mine... - N+1
After many rejections, An Island was published by tiny indie press Holland House in a print run of a mere 500 copies owing to the pandemic. It was met mostly with silence. - The Guardian
The font that they’re calling Chirp is extremely similar to GT America, which is itself based on Franklin Gothic. They changed the spacing ever so slightly and changed the square dots over i and j, and then the period and comma to be circular. - Slate
A "Freedom to Publish" report from the International Publishers Association covers hundreds of examples of censorship since the start of the COVID pandemic — not only in such countries as Belarus, Hungary, and China, but also in the US, France, and the UK. - Publishers Weekly
Ephemerality is the intractable problem plaguing most writing about the internet... Even if we’re stuck with social media for the long haul... its trends and user behaviors change so quickly that any attempt to trap them in amber becomes instantly dated. - The New Republic
No, this isn't a polemic against the less-than-heavyweight material stereotypically enjoyed on a blanket on the sand. This is a polemic against reading at the beach. - The Atlantic
The site has a bullying problem, too. Huge traffic and inadequate moderation have allowed "review bombers" to threaten authors: Pay us or we'll flood your book with bad reviews and tank its rating. (Or maybe we'll do it just for kicks.) - Time
When the manuscript began circulating, several major publishing companies vied for it in a frenzied auction, with bids soaring into the seven figures. - The New York Times
Alaa Al-Aswany on his The Republic of False Truths: "I made a big mistake. I thought the revolution was representing all Egyptians, but we were the minority. … At some point, people turned against us. This novel is a way to understand what happened." - Yahoo! (Los Angeles Times)
The 19th century witnessed a transformation of the book business as dizzying as our own: New reproduction technologies dramatically drove down the price of books and increased print runs by orders of magnitude... - Wall Street Journal
If it passes, the county will move to waive fines and fees for overdue books and other materials for its system, which serves 3.4 million residents in unincorporated L.A. County and 49 incorporated cities. - Los Angeles Times
It's not just that they came from a culture more like ours than most medieval societies (no hereditary aristocracy, a genuine parliament). It's that, "from a modern perspective, this literary universe combines the best of epic poetry with the best of soap opera." - Literary Hub
The magazine has secured rights deals with film and TV production companies for more than 20 pieces from its archives so far — a sideline expected to earn $1 million this year. - Business Insider
From TikTok to Spotify to rap videos to new apps, youth from Mexico to Ecuador to Australia are coming up with new ways to express themselves in and spread the endangered tongues of their ancestors. - Global Voices