ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


First Prize In This Year’s Venice Biennale

The exhibition’s top prizes both went to Indigenous artists, with the Golden Lion for the main curated exhibition going to the Mataaho Collective, which consists of four Māori women artists. - ARTnews

Italy’s Government Blacklists Minneapolis Institute Of Art For Loans

"The Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA) has become musea non grata to the Italian government after a yearslong dispute over a Pentelic marble copy of a lost bronze by the ancient Greek sculptor Polykleitos depicting the 'spear-bearer' Doryphoros." - ARTnews

A New Leader For The Musée D’Orsay In Paris

Variously titled president or chairman in different news reports, the new head of the Orsay and its sister institution, the Musée de l'Orangerie, is Sylvain Amic, most recently director of the museums in the city of Rouen. He has quite a job ahead of him. - Artforum

What Is The Deal With LACMA’s Plan To Share Art With An As-Yet Unbuilt Museum In Las Vegas?

“Rather than enlarging its physical footprint, LACMA aims to broaden its cultural reach, influence and presence in the West, and globally — a benign Manifest Destiny for the California visual arts scene.” - Los Angeles Times (MSN)

Designers Are Rebranding: Say Hello To “Visual Strategists”

Look at the way most branding agencies describe themselves today and “strategy” now gets top billing. Design is out. Strategy is in. - Fast Company

Christopher Knight: LACMA Will Provide Art For New Vegas Museum — What A Bad Idea!

As bad art museum ideas go, this one is right up there. But it fits LACMA’s similarly bad — and unprecedented — decision to build a new, hugely expensive permanent collection building on Wilshire Boulevard that features less gallery space than it had in the 1960s edifice it bulldozed to make way. - Los Angeles Times

Marvel Star Chris Pratt And His Wife Demolished An Architecturally Significant Los Angeles House

The Zimmerman House was designed by architect Craig Ellwood in 1950, and was - before Pratt and his wife, Kathryn Schwarzenegger, had it torn down, a fine example of mid-century modern architecture. - San Francisco Chronicle (MSN)

Blue Denim, A Painting Seems To Show, Is Centuries Older Than Levi’s

An Italian gallery "is appealing for further research to help identify an anonymous painter who specialised in street scenes that often depict poor people in northern Italy wearing what looks like blue denim.” The gallery calls the painter, “Master of the Blue Jeans.” - The Observer (UK)

Why Is Caravaggio Everywhere On The Cultural Scene?

"This is, after all, the guy who changed it all by introducing emotional intensity and identifiable humanity into the business of representing biblical stories." - The Observer (UK)

The Argument To Pay A Lot More Attention To Tiny Art

That is, to miniature art and the museums that collect it. "Miniatures imitate life but have no clear practical purpose. They can be harder to make than their full-size counterparts. But they are portable.” - which makes them easy to carry as governments fall and empires shift. - The Atlantic

The Vatican’s Biennale Show Is Set Inside A Women’s Prison

So … the show is for what audience, exactly? Probably not the incarcerated: "As if involuntarily submitting to state power wasn’t enough, one of the world’s most influential art organizations and one of its largest religious institutions is in the mix.” - Artnet

Faith Ringgold’s Letter To The Guerrilla Girls Still Inspires, Thirty Years Later

After the artist’s death, the collective wants to remind the world of Ringgold’s dream: “I have a dream that one day the art world will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: that the art of all people is created equal." - Hyperallergic

The Nephew Of Norval Morrisseau, Implicated In Massive Art Fraud Scandal, Reaches A Resolution With Community Elders

"In total, police laid more than 40 charges against eight people in March 2023. The investigation led to the seizure of more than 1,000 pieces of forged artwork.” Now, Benjamin Morrisseau will take part in restorative justice measures, the court says. - CBC

Indigenous Artists Win Top Prizes At Venice Biennale

“The exhibition’s top prizes both went to Indigenous artists, with the Golden Lion for the main curated exhibition going to the Mataaho Collective, which consists of four Māori women artists. ... The Golden Lion for the National Pavilion was given to Archie Moore (Kamilaroi/Bigambul), who was Australia’s representative." - ARTnews

“I Love The Art So Much I Sometimes Weep” — A Former Writing Professor’s Life As An Art Framer

"We are not a museum, just a neighborhood frame shop in Evanston, Illinois. … The art is unrelenting. … When I get home at night, I collapse in a chair, mute and unable to move. The art feels like a tornado whooshing through me. I feel euphoric and empty, cleaned out." - Oxford American

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