ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Zaha Hadid’s Influence Has Only Grown Since She Died

Her presence continues to be felt across the contemporary design and architecture worlds. With around 1.2 million Instagram followers, Zaha Hadid Architects is now the most followed architectural practice in the world. Her sinuous lines and captivating shapes have been referenced by set designers on trendsetting movies including Black Panther. - The Conversation

The Archaeologists Of New York

Urban archaeologists can unearth 300-year-old trash, and turn it into narrative (and historical) treasure. "The biggest thing for me is saving something that would not have been saved if I didn't take action," one says. - Aeon

Slow Art Is More Than Just Taking Time With A Painting Or Sculpture

Slow Art Day, April 10, is about a lot more than getting lost in a Lee Krasner or a Betye Saar. Though that might be a first step: "Studies suggest that the average museumgoer looks at an artwork for less than 30 seconds. And with crowds that seem to push you from one piece to the next, overwhelmingly large exhibitions,...

Can The Huntington Change Its History Of Inequity?

Like most Gilded Age institutions, the Huntington has a lot to figure out. "Certainly, getting to a more equitable version of the future is going to take some work — and some unsentimental self-examination. 'We need to look with a detached historical eye and not do hagiography,' Nielsen says." - Los Angeles Times

Buildings That Claim To Be ‘Fossil Fuel Free’ Are Anything But

Glass, concrete and steel are far from carbon neutral, says a leading architect working on climate change. "The production of these materials entails burning a huge amount of fossil fuel. ... The climate emergency is not a game and we can’t just spin our way through it. We need to think about where our materials come from, how they’re...

Visitors To A South Korea Gallery Defaced A Graffiti Piece

Of course, they didn't mean to harm it - they believed it was participatory. Extra "Do Not Touch" signs have now been added. - BBC

Nike Wins A Restraining Order Against Artist Collective Selling Satan Shoes

Hello, freedom of artistic expression? Nope. Trademark protection - for both Satan and, perhaps, Jesus shoes: "MSCHF asserts that just like an earlier limited-edition of Jesus Shoes, these will be displayed in artistic collections, perhaps in museums. (In court papers, Nike has left open the possibility of amending its complaint to include a claim over Jesus Shoes, too.)"...

Museums’ Secret Weapon For COVID Safety: Really Good HVAC

The standards for heating, ventilation and air conditioning at North American and European museums tend to be quite high: minimizing airborne dust and maintaining consistent air temperature, humidity, and circulation are crucial for keeping the items on display in good condition. So the upgrades necessary to keep airborne transmission of the novel coronavirus low have been relatively simple to...

It Was Inevitable: New NFT Of ‘Salvator Mundi’ Holding Fistful Of Benjamins

"It sounds like an April Fools joke, and it both is and isn't. Author and art historian Ben Lewis has created a real non-fungible token (NFT) of Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi — and, like the original, he's hoping to auction it for $450 million. Okay, he's not really expecting to sell it for that much." Because it makes...

How Big New Money Is Ripping Up The Art Market

The traditional hierarchies of the art market, where values, both monetary and aesthetic, were established and policed by art historians, curators and museums, are being assaulted by a new breed of wealthy new players, with new tastes and “new” money. Their wallets are stuffed with the currently surging cryptocurrencies. The traditional art world may sniff at some of their...

London’s National Gallery Creates First Exhibition Designed For Mobile Phones

The mobile experience will allow people to zoom in on the details. It will include six poems in the voice of Balthasar, the black king pictured to the left of Mary, with his gift of myrrh and wearing a lynx-fur-lined red robe and fabulous boots with leather so fine you can see his toes. - The Guardian

We’ve Got Robot Artists. Now We May Get Robot Art Critics.

"For human art lovers, learning which style or category a piece of art falls in is a relatively straightforward and objective task. Like the neural networks , we can learn how to do that by looking at a lot of art and finding patterns. But there's something humans do that computers don't: we also form opinions about the art...

Smithsonian Holds Off On Reopening Its Museums

"Despite the reopening of most private museums in Washington, the Smithsonian and the National Gallery of Art have no set date to reopen from pandemic-related closures that began in November. … When they are ready to reopen this spring, they will mimic last summer's multiphased approach, Bunch said, with the National Zoo one of the first to come...

Wrecking The V&A Museum?

"The conceptual restructure, if it goes ahead as planned, will make the museum itself look curiously out of time, out of touch with the world and with its own history. If the planned changes to the V&A are a harbinger of what ‘Global Britain’ will look like, then a parochial, nostalgic future – marked by redundancies of vision as...

The Perfect Summer To Visit UK Museums?

“The visitor experience this year will be phenomenal. It will be culture without crowds. You will be up close and personal with animals or art in a way you would never have experienced before and possibly won’t in the future. If you were ever going to have a holiday in Britain, this is the time to do it.” -...

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