"Inis Nua Theatre Co., a Philadelphia-based company that draws its material from England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, has named longtime Philly theater director Kathryn 'KC' MacMillan as artistic director. MacMillan doesn’t hesitate answering the obvious question about Inis Nua." - The Philadelphia Inquirer
Members from the Union County chapter of Moms for Liberty were quick to voice their horror at the gender-diverse casting and the fact the school’s logo had been colored rainbow and was being used to advertise the show. - The Daily Beast
In "Hamilton," those words go by at breakneck speed, full of English idioms and the rapping rhymes and rhythms of the musical's hip-hop roots. Also, U.S. Founding Father Alexander Hamilton isn't exactly a household name abroad. - NPR
A nonbinary playwright takes a crack at it. "There will be many holes in this amorphous theatrical survey, and I hope other non-binary creators will fill them. ... However, the impossibility of completion is no excuse to shy away from the urgency of starting." - American Theatre
"The improv stage and training center, based in Chicago since 1959, announced on Thursday that it would open a location in New York City for the first time." The theater and classroom facility will begin operating next summer in Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighborhood. - The New York Times
Beyond the initial version, successful in the West End in 1989 but not on Broadway in 1990, the show has had at least three major revivals with various revisions to the script. (Lloyd Webber released a "definitive script" in 2014.) Next spring's West End revival will be a "chamber" version. - Playbill
“What happened? There’s not a smoking gun to produce,” says board chair Lauren York, who will lead exit interviews of the departed staff members They include the managers of development, education and marketing. - Dallas Morning News
“If, by producing writers of the global majority, an artist like Nataki Garrett can be subjected to death threats, what does that say about the precarious situation our theater industry is in?" - The Hollywood Reporter
"We (Black people) have to wake up to the ways we are policing each other to our detriment. 'No more trauma-based writing!' These are rules. And Suzan-Lori Parks does not like to be policed. Any policing cuts me off from hearing the spirit." - The New York Times
Nataki Garrett has reduced the amount of Shakespeare in the company's programming, introduced color- and sometimes gender-blind casting as well as non-traditional stagings, made staff working hours more humane, and lowered ticket prices. And she's gotten death threats. - NPR
Class Act, based loosely on Shaw's Pygmalion and Lerner and Loewe's My Fair Lady, is inspired by lead actor Mish Gregor's "bogan" (that's Australian for "white trash") background and how she changed as a person as she crossed class boundaries as a theatre professional. - ArtsHub (Australia)
"Even though Pierce has enjoyed a robust career, which includes long stints on prestige television shows and an Obie award for sustained excellence of performance, the questions that obsess Willy — questions of attainment, opportunity, legacy — are questions that obsess him as well." - The New York Times
"What I think is so wonderful about getting older in this work is that you learn how much you don't have to do. You learn simplicity, you learn economy, you learn you don't need to have all this energy to tell the story." - Yahoo! (Los Angeles Times)
The Cuomo Theatre Collaborative will serve as a new building for small to midsize theatres such as Third Rail and PETE, and will serve as a space to nurture artists and the performing arts. The Cuomo Theatre Collaborative will operate under a model of collective leadership, artist empowerment, and affordable access. - American Theatre