ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Inside The Struggle Over Casting A Trans Teen In A Texas High-School Production Of “Oklahoma!”

In November, school officials in Sherman, Texas objected to the casting of trans student Max Hightower in a male role and ordered that actors' birth gender must match that of their roles. Here's how parents, students, and, ultimately, allies all over the US fought back and won. - The Dallas Morning News

Black Cast Member Of “1776” Broadway Tour Sues For Discrimination Because She Was Denied A Wig And Later Fired

Zuri Washington: "I was made to feel like I did something wrong in the course of this entire experience, and I know I didn't do anything wrong. I could have done things differently, perhaps. But what they did to me is like a legal version of tone-policing." - Los Angeles Times (Yahoo!)

Miguel Cervantes’ Eight Year Run As Hamilton Has Come To A Close

Cervantes played Alexander Hamilton for more than two thousand shows, through the early days of the pandemic and much more - including the death of his daughter. "This show gave me an opportunity to use my frustrations and anger and sadness," he says. - Playbill

UK Theatres Gasping To Restructure After Devasting Year

The Royal Court says it' seeking to "find new business models to sustain the theatre", while Hampstead has said 2022/23 turned out to be "one of the most challenging" in its history. The Young Vic has warned that "cost inflation and soaring energy bills" contributed to a deficit that went "way beyond budget. - The Stage

Guthrie Theatre Chooses New Managing Director

Trisha Kirk has been a member of the Guthrie team since 1985 and has held various positions, including season ticket manager, box office manager, and marketing manager, and, later, director of marketing. - American Theatre

Cutting A Shakespeare Play Down To 80 Minutes Is Entirely Legitimate, Even At The RSC, Argues The Guardian’s Theatre Critic

Arifa Akbar: "Some trimmed-down Shakespeares – such as Simon Godwin’s Romeo and Juliet – are as rich as the originals, and not every staging of Much Ado About Nothing has to have its protracted comic interludes with Dogberry and his gang." Especially if it means missing the last train home from Stratford-upon-Avon. - The Guardian

Royal Shakespeare Co. Launches New Low-Price Ticket Scheme

"The (company is) offering 25,000 tickets at £25 as the theatre’s new artistic directors aim to 'throw open the doors' to a more diverse crowd. … The ticketing plan will be on offer for the entire season and sit alongside the existing TikTok £10 scheme for 14- to 25-year-olds." - The Guardian

Comedians Stealing Each Other’s Jokes: Taboo Or Standard Practice?

Both, evidently. Some longtime standups are saying it's worse than it used to be; others say it's happened for the entire history of the profession. What consequences can be suffered for getting caught joke-thieving when jokes can't usually be copyrighted? - The Hollywood Reporter

President Of The Broadway League Is Retiring

"In a surprise announcement, Charlotte St. Martin ... said she would be stepping down from her current role next month. As the leader of the league, a trade association representing producers and theater owners ..., Martin has held one of the most pivotal positions in the theater industry." - The New York Times

A Brief History Of Booing At The Theatre (Which Might Just Be A Good Thing)

"The more straight-faced, incendiary boo of displeasure has been all but silenced, bar lone tuts or harrumphs. But for centuries, theatregoing etiquette allowed for heckles and hisses alongside cheers and whistles, all permissible within the great debating chamber of drama." - The Guardian

The Real-Life Couple Who May Have Inspired Edward Albee

The link between Albee's best-known play and artists Marie Menken and Willard Maas isn't undisputed although they "were notorious for drunkenly arguing in front of guests at their parties" - and Andy Warhol shot a version of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf starring the couple. - The New York Times

Dear Audience Members, Please Get Better At Being In Public

Stop clapping so much! Stop drinking so much! Don't use your phone's flashlight to find your seats! And for pity's sake, stop eating potato chips during a movie or play! (And other possibly cranky advice from critics.) - The Guardian (UK)

In Chicago, Comedy Teachers Settle With Management To Avert A Second City Strike

When unions post "Strikes work" on social media, this is what they mean: "Negotiations had dragged on for almost two years before the union announced a strike date last week." - Chicago Sun-Times

Why Is Sondheim More Popular Now Than When He Was Alive?

The hottest ticket on the Great White Way at the moment, judging from what people are willing to pay for it, is Sondheim's notoriously troubled musical-that-goes-backwards, Merrily We Roll Along. The hottest ticket Off-Broadway, and already the longest running show ever to play at Manhattan's new venue The Shed, is Here We Are, the musical Sondheim was still working...

Theatre Development Fund’s Deeksha Gaur Talks About The Return Of Theatre In NYC

"If we think that our relationship with our audiences is super transactional, that is a dangerous game to play, as we are finding." - American Theatre

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