ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Illinois Passes A Law Banning Book Bans In Libraries

"Illinois lawmakers greenlighted a bill Wednesday that says libraries in the state must adopt an anti-book banning policy to receive state funding, in a vote that fissured along party lines. … Gov. J.B. Pritzker said he looks forward to signing it." - AP

The Art Of Being Informed Post-Twitter

Until the past year’s insipid Musk-related shenanigans, the platform functioned as an efficient information delivery system that made it unique among its social media rivals — and unique, for that matter, among the media organs that depended on it for readers and ideas. - N+1

France’s Economy Minister Publishes An Erotic Novel. Mockery And Anger Ensue.

As inflation persists, the country is roiled by protests against President Macron's pension reforms, and Fitch downgrades French bonds, Bruno Le Maire has drawn fury for spending his time writing sex fantasy — and hoots of ridicule for one sex scene in particular. - The Guardian

The Meaning That’s Lost As Handwriting Fades

"I have never subscribed to the strained idea that the characteristics of one’s handwriting provides a subtle indicator of one’s personality... but I do think there is something visible that communicates an attitude, a willingness to show through muscular coordination and flair." - LitHub

The Streisand Effect Applies To Censored Books, Too

"The best sales pitch is the threat of censorship. It draws attention to books that might otherwise have gone under the radar." What's more, "we tend to believe that when books are censored, they are obliterated or withdrawn from view. But more often they are edited to increase sales." - The Guardian

Book Banning: Et Tu, Canada?

A push that began last summer to remove a few children's sexual education books from the southern Manitoba library system has since bubbled up into accusations its staff are pedophiles, as well as a campaign to defund the library — leaving some of its exhausted librarians considering quitting, the library's director says. - CBC

Watch As A Chatbot Learns To Write Like Shakespeare

To show you what this process looks like, we trained six tiny language models starting from scratch. We’ve picked one trained on the complete works of Jane Austen, but you can choose a different path. - The New York Times

How The Journalists Of Kyiv’s Main English-Language Newspaper Regrouped After Its Oligarch Owner Fired Them All

When Adnan Kivan bought the Kyiv Post, he promised editorial independence; when the paper became too critical of the Ukrainian government for his taste, he sacked the staff. Within a month they launched the online, reader-funded Kyiv Independent, which now has 10,000 supporters. - Press Gazette (UK)

Despite The Invasion, Independent Bookstores Are Opening And Thriving In Kyiv

"They have popped up like mushrooms after rain," says one visitor. Charlotte Higgins, The Guardian's chief culture writer, visits three of them. - The Guardian

A Novelist Pushing On Our Ideas About Prison And Abolition

Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, whose new novel incorporates a lot of trademarks in prisons: "Once you go into that for-profit model and also think about the slave labor that the incarcerated people in our country are doing ... there's so much profit existing in the carceral space." - NPR

The Value, Joy, And Community Of Local Libraries

When you can't find a place to just sit down in the middle of a city, the library is there, with books, newspapers, community meetings, and more. "You won’t get this anywhere else and you can do it all for free." - Irish Times

New Trend: Fake Books As Decoration

While some people are going all in and covering entire walls in fake books, others are aghast at the thought that someone would think to decorate with a book that isn’t real. - The New York Times

The Joys Of Berlinglish

An editor at Exberliner, the English-language monthly magazine for expats in Germany's capital, considers the quirky ways in which Deutsch and English mix in Berlin — and what it means to be a native speaker of the tongue everybody else uses as a second language. - The European Review of Books

Lawsuit Against The Internet Archive Library Is A Weird Look

Publishers and libraries ought to be on the same side: libraries aim to advance learning by providing free and open access to information; publishing literally means to disseminate to the public. Big publishers suing a digital library—during an unprecedented assault on libraries’ purpose and function—is a weird look. - The Walrus

The New Glossy Magazines Joining Ukraine’s Fight Against The Russian Invasion

Two Kiev-based publications, Solomiya and Telegraf, and a dissident magazine from inside Russia, BL8D (pronounced "blood"), are using visual art, fashion photography, interviews and essays to engage young people in Ukraine and Europe with the conflict and, hopefully, contribute to aid organizations. - The Guardian

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