ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Why The French Military Hires Science Fiction Writers

The job? "To imagine future threats to national security. So far, sci-fi novelists from the Red Team Defense project have written more than a dozen stories and published two books dealing with warfare based on mass disinformation, bioterrorism and a pirate nation. Even President Macron is reading them." - France 24

Once You Start Down The Book Banning Path, The Bible Might Get In Your Way

At least, that's what a school district in Utah found, after a parent complained about violence and vulgarity in the book. - NPR

It’s Good For An Author To Think Of Writing As Fun, Right?

That's what Brandon Taylor says writing is for him - "the most fun I'm capable of having." But the title of his third book in four years came to him when he was annoyed by his MFA peers at Iowa. - The Guardian (UK)

The Difference Between Novels And Short Stories? More Than Just Length

The short story has, from the beginning, been a thoroughly modern form: Originally published in newspapers and magazines and consumed on railroads and omnibuses, short stories have been ideal material for people who do not have the time or patience for a novel. - Hedgehog Review

Book Banning Comes To Newtown, CT… And Fails

Republicans on the Newtown Board of Education sought to have Flamer by Mike Curato and Blankets by Craig Thompson removed from the local high school library as if Connecticut was some benighted red state. - The Daily Beast

Salman Rushdie’s Next Book Will Be About His Getting Stabbed Onstage

"It will be a relatively short book, a couple of hundred pages. It's not the easiest book in the world to write but it's something I need to get past in order to do anything else. … So I just have to deal with it." - The Guardian

This Dave Eggers Project Lets Young Readers Edit Books-In-Progress Written For Their Age Group

"'We started cooking up this idea of showing students or classes written manuscripts and saying, 'What do you think?' To show them the process as it went along.' And so the Young Editors Project was born." - The New York Times Book Review

A New Dictionary Of African-American Language

It is not simply about the words that appear in letters, books, poems and lyrics. It is also about the words that morphed into other pronunciations and evolved to have a veiled meaning, for the safety of Black people. - The New York Times

Bookstores, Publishers, And Libraries Join Together To Sue Arkansas Over Law That Could Criminalize Librarians

"Seventeen plaintiffs — including the ALA's Freedom to Read Foundation, the Association of American Publishers, the American Booksellers Association, and the Authors Guild — will file a federal lawsuit over a recently passed law in Arkansas ... which exposes librarians to criminal liability for making allegedly 'obscene' books available to minors." - Publishers Weekly

Winning The Nobel Prize Was Not A Happy Experience For Annie Ernaux

"So I'm going to be brutal and say that I obtained a prize I never wanted. The Nobel Prize fell upon me. It fell into my life like a bomb. It was an enormous disruption; since winning it, I cannot write and the act of the writing was always my future." - The Guardian

When The World Ends With A Whimper

"I like to imagine that I would survive, thrive even, conveniently forgetting that my life of indoor pursuits, reading, writing, and streaming drama box sets whilst ordering pizza, has probably not provided me with the skills I’d need." - LitHub

How Did A Novel About Game Development Become A Multi-Year Bestseller?

Gabrielle Zevin, author of Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, isn't sure. And it's a bit weird for her. "Even though is not her first book, or even her first to be a best seller, many readers are coming to her work for the first time." - The New York Times

When Langston Hughes Wrote A Children’s Book

In 1936, Hughes and artist Elmer W. Brown put together and shopped around The Sweet and Sour Animal Book. No publisher acquired the book, but the original verses and pictures have been reunited for a museum show in Cleveland. - The New York Times

Rare Books Damaged In Italy’s Recent Floods Are Being Salvaged By Flash-Freezing Them

"Volunteers have been transporting the books and other precious documents, which became submerged in water and mud in flooded libraries in the worst-affected areas, to Cesena, where the items will be placed on shelves in temperatures of -25C (-13F) in industrial-size freezers provided by (frozen-food company) Orogel." - The Guardian

This Publisher Is Building A Business On Old Out-Of-Print Books

"A company called Open Road Integrated Media is trying to (give) a second life to older books. It does that by using machine learning to make those titles more visible online and ... by republishing books that were largely forgotten or had fallen out of print." - The New York Times

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