Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited young adult romance bestseller list was filled with dozens of AI-generated books of nonsense on Monday and Tuesday. - Vice
"The cutback — the latest in a series under owner Walt Disney Co. — involves some 19 editorial staffers. … Article assignments will henceforth be contracted out to freelancers or pieced together by editors. The cuts also eliminated the magazine's small audio department." - MSN (The Washington Post)
"The announcement comes during a period of dramatic change for the research center, which houses the largest Shakespeare collection in the world and is a cultural hub in the D.C. region. In November, it opens its doors to the public for the first time since March 2020." - MSN (The Washington Post)
Gannett had not run the list since Mary Cadden, the longtime compiler, was among hundreds laid off late last year. According to Erik Bursch, senior vice president for product and engineering, the logging of sales figures — entered manually by Cadden — has been automated. - Toronto Star (AP)
"Lots of librarians have wasted a ton of time cleaning up files in their OneDrives; removing their names from projects, committees; taking down … anything that is related to diversity and inclusion on any level, … (and) removing metadata like 'diversity' and 'decolonization' from publications they'd uploaded to their institution's repository." - Slate
"Borges's wife, Maria Kodama, had devoted much of her life to fiercely protecting his legacy and it surprised many in Argentina's literary circles that she did not leave a will. … A court in Buenos Aires ruled that (her) five nephews would receive the rights 'in their capacity as universal heirs.'" - AP
Authors know that the idea that “good books” will prevail in the marketplace is a cruel joke. Publishers are very, very bad at connecting readers to books. The industry essentially survives on megahits that are tolerable to many but thrill few, and which don’t owe their success to literary quality. - Slate
And that's in spite of a 66% fall in profits from the previous fiscal year, due partly to increased spending on reporting from the US and Ukraine. The Independent has been profitable every year since it stopped publishing in hard copy in 2016. - The Guardian
A team of archaeologists and computer scientists have created an AI program that can translate ancient cuneiform tablets instantly using neural machine learning translations. - Heritage Daily
"Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Maldonado is steeped in the American poetry scene. At the 92NY's Unterberg Poetry Center, he has overseen readings, workshops and an annual poetry contest." - NPR
"Commercially, it simply doesn’t stack up. ... Most survive and subsist largely either on unpaid labour or grant funding" - or both. And that leads to burnout, not to mention grant funds drying up. - The Guardian (UK)
A precious domain of imaginative and intellectual freedom is menaced by crude authoritarian politics. Exposure to the wrong words is corrupting our children, who aren’t even learning how to decipher the right ones. - The New York Times
"That provided a lifeline, but, it was pretty widely said, also a risk: What if the billionaires tired of the money they were losing, and abandoned the field? As things are turning out, the risk seems a somewhat different one." - Second Rough Draft
"On Thursday, it announced a new partnership with the left-leaning magazine The Nation, and that its next print issue would arrive in August. … Readers can expect the publication to look much the same. It will continue to publish quarterly, and the staff … will remain the same." - MSN (The Washington Post)